Trip To London- 2

After a night of dread, the morning sun shines spreads again on the mansion.

Tanveer called Arun by phone, as soon as he came to his mansion, Tanveer gave him all the information of the previous night.

Arun was thinking for a while listening to her words and then said, "I have a neighbor, he can help us to go to London, he is in customs, he often travels abroad, luckily he has come here and can help us in our sea voyage, they can help us in carrying the commander's seven feet tall coffin, just have to make up a story in front of them that Dr. Zakir got the commander's historical coffin for his research... Yes, he get his belongings safe, so he has entrusted this responsibility to both of us", Arun was about to finish his talk that Tanveer interrupts him in the middle "Are you also going to come ", Tanveer looks at him in surprise.


Arun replies to him saying "I will get a chance to see London for the first time, that too by sea, what idiot will let this chance go, get rid of his father's scolding for a few days too, I am coming brother, there is no room for doubt, remember that my previous birth is also related to you and the commander, so there is no question of my not knowing, I will go home today and follow that custom officer of my neighbourhood, I will inform you after talking to the officer, then I will get you to meet him", Arun says as soon as he leaves the mansion and starts his car straight and goes towards his house.

On reaching his home, Arun first reached the customs officer's house in his neighbourhood, without explaining the whole story to him that the coffin contained the dead body of the commander who came to life, only told that this ancient corpse was of Dr Zakir and has to be delivered to London for research.

Those noble customs officers agreed to assist him.

Arun first gave this happy news to Tannu as soon as he went to his house and invited him to come to his house the next morning.

Tanveer reached Arun's house in the morning the next day, from there both went to that custom officer, he welcomed both of them and explained to them, "Look, I have spoken to some of my colleagues, in this matter and one of them agreed , he will take both of you along with him, they are ready to take off, the sea route will be quite long and he will reach London by unloading the cargo at various places, the journey will start from Port of Bombay, the distance of London is 7059 nautical miles, which is going to start from the Arabian sea, Gulf of Aden , Red sea, Gulf of Suez, Suez canal river, Suez canal, Ismailiya Canal river, Nile river, Damietta branch river, Mediterranean sea, Alboran sea, Strait of Gibraltar, North Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Biscay, English Channel, North sea, the distance will have to be covered through the Thames river to the port of London, if both of you are ready, then after a week, a friend of mine will leave with a ship,I have mentioned about both of you to him, just both of you have to reach Bombay port on time, his name is Captain Vikram Prajapati, negotiate money with him, I will give you his number by writing down the number on a paper.

Giving both of them it is said, "After three days the same ship will return to India, then both of you have only three days to finish your work, must keep the pass port, there will be no problem for the rest of the way".

Tanveer shakes hands while taking the form from that custom officer and says "We will not forget this favor of your's in life, in today's era no one takes such a risk even for loved ones and you have taken such a big risk for us unknown people, we will be forever indebted to you, agreed to be taken to London illegally, if we did not have such a huge historical coffin, it would not have been so difficult to get to London by air", Tanveer says politely and leaves from there with Arun.

Arun and Tannu were very happy as a huge burden had come off their heads.

"I will talk to the captain as soon as I reach the mansion and will call you after talking about money, you have solved my big problem, good bye, see you tomorrow at the mansion", Tanveer thanked Arun, started the car and left for the mansion.

Reaching the mansion, he spoke to Captain Vikram on the phone and got information about how the money was to be transacted.

Captain Vikram told him everything and asked him to come a day before the ship's departure.

Tanveer became convinced after listening to the captain, his soul came to life.

Now he was just waiting for the night so that he could give this good news to the commander.

The darkness had spread all around the night, fog had completely covered the light of the moon.

Tanveer was sitting by the fireplace in the hall itself when suddenly the clock rings at twelve o'clock, "boooom" with the sound of a loud bang, the door of the basement opens.

Tanveer also suddenly gets nervous hearing this voice.

The commander enters the hall flying with his skull in his hands, which he attaches to his torso as soon as he comes in front of Tanveer.

Covers his eyes with his palm.

The commander sits on a chair in front of Tanveer and tells him "Hello Tanveer, my work is done or not, let me tell you, you have brought a good news for me ", the commander looked at Tanveer in a heavy voice.

"Yes, you're done Commander, we have to leave for Bombay, arrangements have been made to carry your coffin in the ship, we have to reach there a day before, the ship will leave for London port after a week ", said Tanveer, looking into the commander's twinkling red eyes.

The commander was relieved to hear his words, he said to Tanveer in his heavy voice "Thank you, I liked it, now you are walking a little wiser, after two days the doctor and your friend will also have cut the stitch of yours head wounds."

The wounds of his hand and foot will also be healed a little, we will leave here the next day, only then we will reach before the start of our journey to London".

"You are absolutely right, we will go according to this plan, I will arrange a van tomorrow by speaking to the driver, we will decide the journey till Bombay, because it is not right to carry your coffin in the train, so take a hired van will be okay, the driver will bring that van back to Kanpur", said Tanveer, explaining the plan ahead to the commander.

The commander was very impressed by Tanveer's words, then both of them sat and talked for a long time and in the same way a night passed in the big mansion , before the first ray of morning fell on the earth, the commander left for the basement and Tanveer also went to his room , after staying awake all night in the mansion, he went to sleep.

Around eleven o'clock Arun reached the mansion to meet Tanveer, Tannu told him about the commander's plan and said that we might need a van to go to Bombay Port.

Arun agreed to Tanveer's words and gestured to shake his neck in yes.

As soon as two days pass by, after placing the commander's coffin in the van, Tannu and Arun were ready to leave the big mansion for Bombay Port one last time to talk to all the members of the mansion , Tanveer tells Shehnaaz and Urmila " We will be back soon, you both take care of the mansion and mommy, I will call as soon as I reach London, now you all can sleep peacefully in the mansion, good bye, Haider", Tanveer waving to Haider , Haider also waved his hand and says "Bye Tanveer Bhaiya, take care of yourself, Shehnaz also says bye to Tanveer and asks both of them to take care of themselves, Urmila comes near Tanveer and says smiling at him, "Take care of yourself Nawab Sahab". Tanveer also smiles and says "Well, now let us allow to leave and all of you take care ."


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