Night In London...

Character Sketch: Amelia

Name: Amelia

Age: Young British Girl (early 20s)

Background: Amelia is a young British girl who finds herself trapped between her past and present. She has always felt a deep connection to history and has been fascinated by the stories of the past. From a young age, she has been haunted by vivid dreams of a man named Brad Shaw, a British East India Company's Commander who tragically lost his life while trying to protect a valuable treasure.

Appearance: Amelia has a delicate and ethereal beauty, with porcelain skin, long flowing chestnut hair, and piercing blue eyes. She often dresses in vintage clothing, reflecting her love for the past.

Personality: Amelia is a curious and determined individual. She possesses a strong sense of adventure and is not afraid to take risks. She is intelligent and resourceful, always seeking answers to the mysteries that surround her. Despite her young age, Amelia possesses a maturity beyond her years, which is evident in her ability to navigate the complexities of her situation.

Relationship with Brad Shaw: Amelia's connection to Brad Shaw goes beyond the realm of the living. In her dreams, she encounters him as a ghostly figure, his head and torso separated, a constant reminder of his tragic fate. Despite the haunting nature of their encounters, Amelia feels a deep and undeniable love for Brad Shaw. She believes that their connection is not limited to the dreamscape but extends into the real world.

Quest for the Mughal Treasure: Amelia discovers that she is a crucial part of a 300-year-old riddle surrounding a lost Mughal treasure. Brad Shaw was the appointed British Officer tasked with protecting the treasure from the world's biggest robbery. As Amelia delves deeper into the mystery, she realizes that her rebirth is not a coincidence but a means to solve the riddle and uncover the hidden treasure.

Language and Cultural Background: Amelia is a young British girl, born and raised in England. She is well-versed in English literature and history, which fuels her passion for the past. However, her journey to solve the riddle of the lost Mughal treasure takes her on a cultural exploration of India, where she encounters the rich traditions and history of the Mughal Empire.

Amelia's story is one of love, adventure, and the pursuit of truth. As she navigates the complexities of her past and present, she must confront her own fears and unravel the secrets that lie within her dreams. With her determination and connection to Brad Shaw, Amelia is determined to solve the riddle and uncover the lost Mughal treasure, all while discovering her own true purpose in the process.

And now let's move on with the story.

"He's coming... He's about to come... Save me... He's going to come... He... he", the sleeping beautiful Amelia was muttering something,Michelle wakes after listening it she was sleeping next to her, she wakes Amelia up by shaking her.

"What happened Amelia, who's going to come, what are you murmuring in your sleep", said Michelle, as Amelia tried to opened her eyes.

Amelia's condition could not be seen from her, Amelia was bathing in sweat and was scrambling on the bed.

Michelle cannot see all this and she thought it appropriate to wake Amelia from sleep.

Amelia and Michelle study together in the university, just their subjects are different, Amelia is a student of science, while Michelle is a student of history, both live in the same room of the hostel and are good at studies.

Everything was fine but since few days Amelia is having scary dreams and Michelle was very upset about this, so today she decided to wake Amelia from her sleep.

Amelia opened her eyes and found Michelle sitting in front of her.

"Are you okay, your condition is very bad, feel free to let me know if there is any problem, I will help you", Michelle said sympathetically to Amelia and gently stroked her back.

"The same dream came again, an unknown shadow was chasing me and I was running for my life but still he does not give up and grabs me, I could not see his face properly but his loud voice I still can't forget, he told me "I'm going to come Amelia... I'm coming back to you", just after that I fight with all my might and try to save myself, well, then I heard your voice and I woke up." Amelia told Michelle everything and sat down holding her head.

"Don't worry, tomorrow morning we will both see a good psychiatrist, I understand your problem very well, after tomorrow you will feel a little relaxed, well let's go to sleep now, I have to get up early in the morning", Michelle said to Amelia while encouraging her, introduced her friendship and advised her to sleep peacefully. Amelia heeded Michelle's advice and slept soundly.

The next morning both of them reached Dr. Smith, a well-known psychiatrist, after seeing some patients, Amelia's number came, Michelle was also with her and stayed till the doctor's cabin.

As soon as they entered the cabin, both of them sat on the two chairs next to the table placed in front of the doctor.

The cabin was quite large, with a comfortable lounge attached to the doctor's table on the left, which was probably only for the patients.

Beautiful green palm plants were planted in every corner of the room, on the right side a large wall shelf was placed on which there was a large aquarium, in which there was a stock of colorful fish.

"Tell me, Miss Amelia, what's wrong with you", asked Doctor Smith, looking at Amelia.

"Doctor, how did you know this is Amelia, you've never met us before, then how did you know that this was Amelia," Michelle turned to the doctor and asked a question before Amelia could answer.

So quite surprising because Michelle was right.

" Ha ha ha... ha ha ha, let me explain everything to you, see I am a psychiatrist and my job is to see the patient and understand what he is thinking and the way you both came to the cabin, I saw that your eyes fell on everything around my cabin, I immediately understood that you are with the patient and I have a patient waiting list in which Amelia's name is written, I recognized Amelia just by that way, for who she is , so now let's get to the point, tell me what is the problem", Dr. Smith explained to both of them well and asked Amelia about her problem.

"Since many nights, Doctor sir, I have been seeing the same dream again and again, in which I save my life, an unknown shadow is behind me, but even after million of efforts, I can not see his face properly, it keeps repeating itself, it tells me I'm about to come... I get a severe headache sometimes when sleep breaks but this dream doesn't stop to follow me", Amelia explained, looking at Dr. Smith.

"How was your childhood, Miss Amelia", the doctor asked Amelia about her childhood after hearing all the things.

"I am from Polperro Corn Wall, England, I belong to a prosperous family, my father owns a substantial property in Polperro Corn Wall, of which I am the only heir, since childhood I have been a promising student, I have received many awards in science since then, everything was fine in school days but at the age of fourteen I suffered a head injury while playing in school, since then every night I see the face of an Indian man in my dream, the one who followed me till I was twenty years old and now a few days ago I see an unknown shadow whose red glowing eyes can see nothing but me, it draws me towards it as if it want to say something to me ", Amelia told the doctor in detail about her childhood, listening to which the doctor sank into deep thought for a while and after a while he broke his silence.

"I think Miss Amelia that you are seeing such things due to a head injury in childhood, such cases have come to me before, you do not need to worry, I will prescribe some medicines for you, you will get some rest and yes, don't stress your mind at all, no need to worry too much about all these things, take medicines on time and come again for check up after three days", said Dr. Smith using his experience, he convinces the two young women to believe that he is a capable doctor and is absolutely right in Amelia's case.

Both take the prescription of medicines from the doctor and thank him and leave the cabin.

"Aren't you late for the lecture today, Michelle", asked Dr. Zakir, looking at Michelle.

Doctor Zakir understood her problem and gave a small lecture to her for being late, emphasizing only on keeping time value in future.

Soon the night falls once again, Amelia and Michelle start studying for a while after dinner, it is very cold outside and there is fog, it is not possible to see anything far away.

Amelia, sitting at her study table, gazes out the window, the dewdrops on the glass on the window.

It was not possible to see anything outside except those drops of dew, so an unknown force writes on the window with those dew drops "I'm coming for you", Amelia is surprised to see this, because the person had written upside down on the window, which Amelia could see straight from her side.

Amelia saw neither the face of the writer nor the hands of those writing, as the pen itself had been printed on the window glass.

She gets terrified seeing this but still Amelia did not think it right to tell Michelle about it as she was busy studying and Amelia didn't want to bother her too much.

She thought that this might be her illusion as the stylus disappeared on its own after staying for some time.

Amelia came to know in her mind about the medicines given by the doctor is responsible for this illusion . She felt that she had not eaten the night dose, so she gets up from the study table and take a pill straight out of her purse and drink it, taking out a glass of water from the jug kept nearby.

Then she sits back on the study table and starts studying.

Amelia completely ignores the fact that she had just seen an impossible event happened on the window pane a while back and was now concentrating on her studies.


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