The Quest...

Amelia goes after the wolf behind the hostel in the forest where the fog had laid the sheet, after a while the Wolf disappears, Amelia looks around her and she does not see it anywhere, then suddenly she sees that some shining eyes are moving towards her, tearing the sheet of fog, Amelia does not take long to understand that it was a flock of wolves that was moving towards her. Amelia's soul trembles until seeing this scene. Amelia was slowly stepping back, a flock of Wolves was moving towards her. Amelia had come far from the hostel, even if she ran towards the hostel, she would still be the victim of wolves, she could not understand what to do if suddenly the commander's soul appears behind her, which collides with Amelia walking backwards. The flock of Wolves runs away to see the commander as he is walking at his behest. Amelia looks at the commander overturned. Seeing the soul of Commander Brad, she was a little nervous. The commander's eyes were shining with red light, the commander says to Amelia" do not panic Amelia listen to me, I want to tell you something, about the Cursed diamond that you have touched today, my soul is attached to it, " the commander stops Amelia. "At Emperor Shah Jahan anniversary you changed The Kohinoor Diamond and your dance made him happy so he gave you some diamonds in the offering , after 300 years that diamond is also connected with us , the same diamond in my coat pocket when my head got separated from torso and my blood was flowing in my body ,so that diamond got attached with my blood and my soul, When Doctor Zakir found the treasure, he found the diamond in my pocket through which my soul obeyed him and killed all his men, you have to get that diamond from Henry in any case," says the commander to Amelia, Amelia looks at him and realizes his pain, where in the eyes of the commander there was retribution for the doctor, while the 300-year-old pain emerged from remembering the diamond that his eyes were carrying, the blood droplets from his eyes were flowing in the form of tears that flowed from his face. hearing the words of the commander and seeing his pain, he decided to accompany the commander.

"But how it reached Henry, What does Henry have to do with this matter", Amelia inquired with curiosity to the commander.

"Doctor Zakir has once again used the Cursed diamond on which I am cursed to play his bloody game, Henry is only a pawn, tomorrow he will be followed and everything will be known, so in the morning you will have to leave early on this task, go rest now, I will not let anything happen to you , this is my promise ", the commander tells Amelia about that Diamond and asks her to go to sleep in the room by promising to save her. Amelia goes back to her hostel room and goes to bed and falls asleep.

"No... No doctor let me go, I don't know anything about diamonds", Michelle begs for mercy from Doctor Zakir, doctor Zakir entered the girls ' hostel room, Ruger Super Black Hawk 44 Magnum in his hand. There was a hand gun that he had tented towards Michelle and locked the room door from the inside, with no one going to come to save Michelle.

"Hey... No... Not why the baby is nervous, look that diamond is not safe for your friend, so to save her life you have to tell about the Diamond", explains Doctor Zakir to Michel.

"I'm telling the truth I don't know anything about that diamond, he will be near Amelia, he has taken it with him ", Michelle informed doctor Zakir of the diamond to save his life.

"Don't lie that diamond is your only possession... Hey child, Why don't you understand that that diamond is dangerous for you and your friend, it can even take your life... Now tell me Where is the two diamonds ", doctor Zakir asked once again about that diamond, not satisfied with Michelle's words, because she knew that Michelle was lying to her.

"I am.. I'm telling the truth doctor I know nothing about that diamond... It would be near Amelia's , I saw it in her own hands... Please don't kill me... I'm telling the truth", Amelia once again begged the doctor for mercy to protect her life, but the doctor was obsessed with getting that diamond, he wanted that diamond at any cost, he goes ahead and presses Michelle's throat with one of his hands, then pushes it and ties it back to the wall. Michelle's breathing was pausing and she began to suffocate.

"Tell me quickly...Son...Where is the diamond, I do not want to kill you inexplicably, do you not care about your life, tell me one last chance and give it", Doctor Zakir, slightly reducing the pressure of his grip on Michel's throat, asked him another. Now Michelle got a little respite, the doctor gave her the opportunity to breathe a little more that would give her body a little respite, but it did not detract from the doctor's intentions, she was still thinking about getting the diamond to which her fate was linked, until now the doctor had used that diamond to devastate not many families, had eliminated every one of his enemies, had paid a great price for the sake of that Diamond and to reach this height, he never got family happiness, but he had the intoxication of wealth that made him blind. after getting that Diamond, Doctor Zakir was touching the heights of the sky then how could he lose that diamond. He could do anything to get that diamond back.

"I'm telling the truth, doctor... I have no idea about that diamond... Him I saw near Amelia... Maybe she took him with her", Michelle was still adamant, she knew that the doctor would not leave her alive even after she found the diamond, Michelle was worried about her friend's life, did not want to let her get to the doctor's house in any case so she did not want to tell the doctor about the diamond, she could do anything for her friend Amelia , doctor Zakir had the ghost of finding the diamond on his head, she wanted that Diamond and Michelle had the life of her friend. there was a duty of saving, friendship. In other words, God has already created, but friendship is a relationship that a person chooses himself. True friendship does not see color, does not see race, is high-ranking, rich-poverty and so on. It is generally understood that friendship is middle-of-age, but it is wrong that friendship can happen in any age and with anyone.Since the birth of a person, he lives among his loved ones, plays, learns them, but he cannot share everything with everyone. Only a true friend of the person knows every secret of him. The book is the key to knowledge, so a true friend is the entire library, which helps us fight life's hardships from time to time. Friends are the main focus in the formation of a person's personality. It is said that a person is like himself, he chooses a friend in his life. And if something is wrong with the person, the society equally views his friends as partners of that mistake.

The doctor was confident that diamond Amelia would have given her friend Michelle, but Michelle did not want to tell the doctor anything about her, seeing that the doctor's anger is no longer there and he presses Michelle's throat again. Michelle starts breathing again, her body starts to flutter, she tries hard to escape the doctor's grip, but everything was in vain.

"Now just enough... You're taking me quite lightly, it's making me more angry...Me he ought to Diamond any more... I can do anything for her, no matter why she has to take someone's life for her," doctor Zakir told Michelle and increased her strength on her neck so that Michelle was about to die that when she suddenly breaks Amelia's sleep she sees her eyes open, it was morning, Michelle was also sleeping on her bed in front of her absolutely safely.

"Oh, what a strange little dream it was... I was absolutely terrified," Amelia said to herself, then she remembered the commander's talk at night that Jennifer's brother had to be chased today. She got up immediately from her bed and went fresh in the bathroom.

"You do not remember that today is my stage performance...Today you have to come there ", Henry's girlfriends said requesting him.

"Sorry my dear, I won't be able to come today... I have to leave for Kingham for a particular job, it's good you stayed here after Jennifer's birth day... I got a chance to say this to you... You only have to take care of this house and my sister until I come... You stay here at night and take care of everything... Some money is lying in my closet for you, if any need, the phone number is written in the diary, you can call in kinham... You will have to do so much for me until I arrive ", Henry explained to his girlfriends.

"No, you always do that... You're very bad... Whenever I need you, you get some work out...You don't love me... I will not talk to you ", Henry's girlfriends said to him curiously.

Henry came close to her and stuffed her in his arms, " I'm doing all this for you to give you happiness all over the world, you have to come to this house as soon as Jennifer gets married, so if you don't earn money right now, so many years of hard work will be lost... Next time I'm sure I'll come to see the performance of your play... That's the promise", Henry said while celebrating his girlfriends.

"Well, I'll take care of the house and your sister, but just think of it the last time... Now if the next time you don't come to see the performance of my play, there will be no worse than me", Henry's girlfriend admits in her own style. Then the two kissed each other and Henry said "goodbye "and went out to the garage. As soon as he took the car, he turned the car to the left side of the road and took it to the main road, where Amelia was already hiding in the car and waiting, Henry did not notice it while taking the car, Amelia also turned around his car and began to chase Henry's car. The diamond was guarded by Henry in a small black suitcase, placed right next to the driver's seat of his car.

Amelia was also following him at a reasonable distance, by now both had come far enough. Suddenly Henry stopped the car near an apartment, Amelia also stopped the car by pressing the brakes of her car, then suddenly the commander's ghost arrives in the second front seat of Amelia's car. Amelia is suddenly a little shocked as soon as the commander enters the car.

"Now from here I'll handle... You just wait in the car until I say don't go anywhere by car", the commander's ghost said in heavy voices to Amelia. Amelia nodded in a gesture of yes, showing her approval.

Henry opens the door of his car and gets out of the car with a black suitcase and goes inside a nearby apartment. The commander's ghost also left the car without opening the door and followed Henry to the apartment where Henry had gone.

"Howdy Richard... A long day later, " Henry asked the host as the flat door opened. Richard also hugged Henry and welcomed him and invited him to come in. Along with Henry, another unknown guest stepped inside the room, which both were not aware of because he was not visible to both, but was sitting at the same time listening to both of them.

"And tell Alex what's the recent move...How is the business going," Richard asked Henry, sitting nearby.

"The boss is all right and having fun... The business is also going well, a few days ago there was a little trouble with the police but now everything is under control", Henry answered the question asked by Richard.

"There will be a special reason to come here or else you are so mushy at work that you can't even find time to meet so that some chess markets can be played...Tell me how to come ", Richard asked the real reason for the arrival, protesting not to meet Henry.

"Actually the boss has sent a special job this time," Henry explains, pulling the small suitcase out of it and moving it towards Richard, " Look what it will cost... You trade diamonds... What price can you give it," Henry asked Richard about the price of the diamond.

"Oh wow... This is a very beautiful diamond... The look is just like Kohinoor... This is a real diamond," Richard observes thoroughly, " I can give you up to four million pounds... Because it's illegal or you'd get a better price than that, " Richard said to Henry, putting the price of the diamond.

"Four million pounds are quite a bit...You take it and sell at good price...You will give money or someone else, " Henry asked Richard about how to pay the money as soon as he was willing to sell the diamond for four million pounds.

"You have to take it to my partner, he will give you the price of it, "Richard told Henry and took out a visiting card from the drawer of his table and moved it to Henry," this is his card, I'll call him from here.

Then he picked up the receiver of the phone nearby and dialled up some numbers.

"Hello...I'm Richard speaking... Am I talking to Mark", Richard asked on the phone from here.

"Yes, I'm Mark speaking the same way... Say why you called me", sound came from there.

"Look Mark I'm sending a special man to you... Monsieur's name is Henry and is one of my closest friends... He has a diamond that he want to sell... I put it worth £ four million, judging by its market rate...So I'm sending him to you with diamond... You give him the money, " Richard explained the story to Mark and asked him to pay the price of the diamond.


© ivanmaximusedwin.