The Quest- 3

"I'll take them in my suitcase... I've brought it so, therefore... Ha ha ha", Henry said, answering mark's question and laughed.

Henry counted all the money and put it in a suit case, so Mark wrote him the address of his work shop on a paper. Henry left his office, taking money from Mark, Diamond, and the address of his work shop. As soon as he leaves, Mark calls in his work shop and asks all the men to be ready. Henry was completely oblivious to mark's plan and did not even know that he was getting caught in the clutches of death. He got the money and this made him completely trust mark, but Mark's plan was to get the money and the diamond to the right place. No one had any idea that the commander was sitting there watching all this game, that diamond was especially attached to the Commander Brad because it was this diamond that Amelia had converted to the emperor Shah Jahan's mahfil, which the emperor re-examined due to the plundering of the treasure, then he derived the same deficiency that Mark had shown Henry in the light of the lamp today, even at that time the emperor handed over to Commander Brad during the investigation, his right part being slightly less carved than Kohinoor, to investigate the rulership. Commander Brad also had this diamond in the pocket on the inside of the coat when he was last contested with the robber Indrajit. Today, once again, the same diamond was about to make a bloody history just like Kohinoor, as it was three hundred years ago. The commander had started it with Richard and now it was Mark's turn to punish him.

"Hey... Oh what's going on... Who suddenly caught my hand", Mark says in a closed office room due to panic, the invisible spirit of the commander holding his hand from behind.

"Who is... Why doesn't it come in front, Hey... Err... This is what's going on with me", Mark yells into the room but no one can hear his voice out of the thick glass cabin.

"Save... Save... Save me, " Mark calls for help, but he was also worthless. The commander strangles mark with the wire of the phone, mark's face was red like blood had settled on the face above the neck. His breathing was difficult and in a short time Mark succumbs.

On the other hand, Amelia was waiting for Henry to come out in the car, as soon as Henry left the building, she began to follow him by car, she did not know exactly who Henry was going towards, what was going to happen next, the commander what the plan was ahead and what he was going to do. She was just engaged in obeying the command of the commander's ghost. He didn't know that Henry was in trouble and that could swallow him, but Amelia believed in the commander who had been attached three hundred years ago and had grown a little more because the commander had taken charge of his safety.

Henry turns in the direction of the car Mark's work shop, Amelia was also engaged in chasing him with her car that only then suddenly the soul of the commander enters the car. Amelia is terrified at the sight of him.

"You'll stop shocking me again and again, please... Oh my God, life is gone right away", says the terrified Amelia to the commander.

"All right... Sorry, take care from the front, put the car behind it or else it will be shaky", says Commander Brad Amelia.

"Well tell what happened and what is the plan ahead", Amelia, driving the car, asked the commander about the plan ahead.

"The life of your friend's brother is in danger and where he is going is conspired to murder, we will have to help him or she will be killed today," the commander told Amelia about Henry, who hears Amelia's forehead gets a flurry of anxiety, her face is completely white as if the color of her face has been blown away. Amelia's only support was to be taken away from her. Neither Amelia nor Henry knew what would happen next, and both were just traveling like an unknown traveler. They did not even know how dangerous the way forward was.

Henry, who is oblivious to the fact that someone is following him happiness happiness was going towards his destination he got the money he was planning about " four million to the boss and keep a million to himself no one will know... I will take out a million pounds before I reach Kingham, where the boss knew that this is a diamond of three hundred years ago, so the price has increased by a million pounds separately... So many years of hard work have been done right now... If this diamond had been found earlier, it would not have had to run so much today, " Henry was smiling at these things, unaware that Mark had already woven the death trap for him before he died, just like the clever Hunter spider who hunts like insects trapped in his trap to fill his stomach, the only difference here was that he wasn't alive to taste Henry trapped in the trap.

"I have to know more about that Diamond", asked Amelia, chasing Henry.

"That one diamond is the most special in the treasure of Emperor Shah Jahan found by Doctor Zakir, it is a link that can reach me, the history of human bloodshed is connected with any diamond, people shed blood to the next to get a precious diamond, that cursed diamond is my soul imprisoned and when it was found by the doctor he took that diamond out of my pocket, because of that diamond my soul was in possession, which the doctor used to make every member of his search team die due to me and until he finds it, he took it out of my pocket." It will stay with Doctor Zakir...Because of you, that Diamond will no longer come to his mouth", the commander explained to Amelia in detail. Amelia was listening attentively while driving a car.

"This means that you are the genie of that Diamond, Only then did you obey doctor Zakir", Amelia told the commander.

"Yes one way... You can say that, my body is different and my soul is in possession of that diamond... So only at night can I connect my soul with the body and at any time of the day, I can do anything because of being attached to that Diamond, now this curse will follow me as long as it is with Doctor Zakir, if you keep this diamond you will never separate from me", the commander replied to Amelia's talk.

"That's right too... Our destination seems to have come, Henry's speed has slowed down", Amelia said to the commander, slowing down her car.

"Well let the car slow down a bit... He seems to be about to stop his car ", the commander asked Amelia to slow down the speed of the car.

