King Of Kingham...

Character Sketch: Doctor Zakir

Name: Doctor Zakir

Occupation: Archaeologist at Lucknow University

Background: Doctor Zakir is a renowned archaeologist at Lucknow University, known for his expertise in uncovering historical treasures. He is a middle-aged man with a sharp mind and a relentless determination to succeed in his endeavors. With a vast knowledge of history and a passion for unraveling mysteries, he has dedicated his life to exploring the hidden secrets of the past.

Appearance: Doctor Zakir has a tall and lean physique, with a rugged charm that adds to his enigmatic persona. His salt-and-pepper hair and piercing dark eyes reflect his years of experience and wisdom. He often sports a neatly trimmed beard, which adds an air of sophistication to his appearance. Dressed in khaki pants, a button-down shirt, and a worn-out leather jacket, he exudes an aura of adventure and resilience.

Personality: Doctor Zakir is a highly intelligent and resourceful individual. He possesses a sharp wit and an analytical mind, which allows him to solve complex puzzles and navigate through challenging situations. He is known for his unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of knowledge. Despite his calm and composed demeanor, he possesses a burning ambition to uncover the truth, even if it means taking risks.

Skills and Expertise: Doctor Zakir's expertise lies in historical artifacts and ancient civilizations. He has a deep understanding of various cultures and their historical significance. His knowledge of languages, including ancient scripts, helps him decipher cryptic clues and inscriptions. He is also skilled in various archaeological techniques, such as excavation, preservation, and documentation.

Role in the Story: Doctor Zakir plays a pivotal role in the discovery of the lost treasure of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Alongside Tanveer's father, he successfully locates the treasure, but their triumph quickly turns into a nightmare when they realize that the dead body of a British East India Company's Officer, found alongside the treasure, is haunting their team members. Unbeknownst to the others, Doctor Zakir becomes consumed by his desire to possess the cursed diamonds from the Mughal treasure. He resorts to distributing the diamonds among his team members, leading to their demise.

Motivation: Doctor Zakir's motivation stems from his insatiable thirst for power and wealth. The allure of the cursed diamonds from the Mughal treasure becomes an obsession for him, blinding him to the consequences of his actions. He believes that possessing the diamonds will grant him ultimate power and control, and he is willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal.

Flaws: Doctor Zakir's relentless pursuit of power and wealth blinds him to the moral implications of his actions. His ambition and greed lead him to betray his team members, ultimately causing their demise. His single-minded focus on the cursed diamonds clouds his judgment and makes him susceptible to the haunting presence of the dead British Officer.

Overall, Doctor Zakir is a complex character driven by ambition and a thirst for power. His expertise in archaeology and his relentless determination make him a formidable force, but his flaws and obsession with the cursed diamonds ultimately lead to his downfall.

And now let's move on with the story.

"I've taken everything I needed on the journey to Kingham, now just need something that can track them easily to find the Commander and that cursed diamond", Dr. Zakir sets out on the trip. First, while checking his belongings once again, he tells himself.

"What should I keep... a minute I remember", the doctor talks to himself again and proceeds straight to his store room, reaching there he finds an EMF Electro Magnetic Field Detector from a cupboard.

"It will be true... it will help to find that cursed diamond... as the commander's soul is attached to that diamond so this device will help to track him, soul itself is an electro magnetic force.. It is able to work only in an electromagnetic field, which is why it can be detected due to this device... If someone else takes that diamond then it can be tracked, as soon as that diamond is around it will signal the detector because alex doesn't trust he is a settled player he cheats me may give and even more may disturb the soul of the commander, may beHe should find some other owner for that diamond and hunt me like a vicious hunter... no... No I can't take that much risk so I'll take this device with me too", said Dr. Zakir himself and he took the device and his belongings and proceeded towards the car, the doctor did not want to take any kind of risk so EMF Electro Magnetic Field to locate the Commander and that Cursed Diamond. He also keeps two hand guns to deal with the detector and Alex.

On the other hand, unaware of all these things, Amelia and the Commander were making their journey to Kingham, along with Henry who was lying unconscious in the back seat of the car, he had no idea what happened before and what would happen next. Vala turns the car into a restaurant on Amelia Highway and parks the car. After entering with the commander, Henry was in the car that Amelia had locked. There was a huge crowd in that restaurant, some people were playing pool and some were enjoying the dishes. As he enters Amelia, he is noticed by some naughty boys, Amelia moves towards the empty table lying on one side in the restaurant and sits on the chair, the commander also sits in the front chair, no one sees him finding, his soul was invisible to everyone else except Amelia.

"What would you like to have, ma'am", a waitress came and asked Amelia.

"The best sandwich from your restaurant with extra cheese and a chocolate milk", Amelia ordered the waitress, as she took the order and headed to the restaurant's kitchen. As soon as he left, Amelia started talking to the commander.

"What's the plan next to Kingham?

"Look, as soon as you reach Kingham, first go to your aunt, we will enter Henry's body and meet him... as we will not be able to accompany you at night, so the next morning it is Henry's visit to the boss's house. Will arrive", the commander answered Amelia's words.

"But if Henry regains consciousness in the night... what are you doing at night", Amelia once again questioned the commander.

"Look, we are not free from that curse as long as our body is present... once at night time we have to connect with our body, by this we are also able to take care of our body otherwise our dead body will rot ... It must be guarded until the ship arrives at the Port of London", replied the commander to Amelia.

"What will happen to Henry", asked Amelia again the commander.

"Henry's body is now completely under our control, he'll sleep as long as we want... He'll sleep like that at your house, we'll take him to his boss's place the very next morning." Will wake up", said the commander, allaying Amelia's doubts.

"Henry's done that diamond deal Boss... there's just been a problem", Alex is reported by one of his men.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked his man.

"Henry made the deal for that diamond but killed all the people with whom he had made the deal... Just now a special informant in London has reported it over the phone, none of them survived. Although he was armed with all the killers", the man said, giving all the information to Alex.

"How is that possible, Henry is a man of trust and he had a good friendship with one of them, then why did he do this... Is there a plan in his mind to deceive", Alex said in his Hearing the words of the man, he said.

"Maybe... as you told that that diamond is priceless, how long will it take to spoil anyone's intentions by looking at it", said Martin sitting next to Alex hearing all these things.

"Maybe you're right, it's very difficult to find a man of trust these days... But Henry has been working with us for a long time, there was no such expectation from him... Somewhere he would run away with money." I'm not looking for it," said Alex, worried by Martin's words.

"But one thing is surprising, Alex... he single-handedly killed so many armed men without harming himself, how could this have been possible", Martin asked Alex suspiciously.

"Maybe he's wearing a bullet proof jacket so he didn't get shot", Alex told Martin, guessing himself.

"Maybe you're right... but it's still surprising", Martin told Alex.

"What else did that informer tell", Alex asked his man.

She said that Richard, to whom Henry had gone to deal in diamonds, jumped out of the window of his apartment. The occupants of that apartment suspected Henry as they saw him going inside Richard's flat. Was... But some people say that he had already left before Richard made the jump. Not only this, shortly after, Henry also killed Richard's business partner Mark and his work shop where he used to carve diamonds was also converted into a crematorium", Alex's man explained the whole matter in detail, Hearing this, Alex and Martin were in thought for a while.

"Don't know what the commander must be doing at this time... It has never happened before today, whenever he has used that cursed diamond, he has completed his hunting work in a short time... If he chooses a new master for himself then all these years of hard work will be in vain, this electro magnetic field detector is the last hope to find him, it is common to panic at the place where the soul resides and it Panic or fear arises because of this electromagnetic field which is calledSpirit leaves by itself as Wave, now it's very useful if you want to find a vicious hunter like Commander", the troubled doctor tells himself while driving, though he didn't know about Commander's plan But he was absolutely right in the matter that any soul has an electromagnetic field. Can be tracked through detector. This happens because our soul is a source of energy and even after someone dies, it may not be visible to us, but it creates an electro magnetic field at a place where humans are afraid to go. This detector can easily track any soul because of the electromagnetic wave emanating from it. The doctor just had to see if the commander's spirit was clever enough to deceive this device as well.

Seeing Amelia talking to herself in the restaurant, some funky boys in that restaurant come near her table and start teasing her,

"Who are you talking to alone, sweetheart, we don't see anyone with you... Tell us, let's sit together to give company", one of the sleuths asked Amelia.

"Listen, leave me alone... or the outcome will be very bad", Amelia said, warning them.

"While we are with you, you are muttering like this alone, what can be worse for us than that", said the second man.

"Look, I'm saying leave me alone, or the outcome won't be don't know, I'm not alone here", Amelia replied to his words.

"So don't tell my sweetheart, who is with you... Please let us also meet him", said the man to Amelia.

"Look, you don't know what you're messing with. .I am a student of science and let me tell you that there is an electro magnetic force which can make your heart beat faster, you may start feeling nervous, sweating, blood pressure may become high or low and You may die too", Amelia fearlessly told the gang of those sly boysexplained to Amelia, Amelia knew nothing could do with her being in command, so she took their entire science class.

"Are you really... I am laughing at this, Baap Re Baap

Electro magnetic force, we are scared dear, is he going to kill us, is he sitting here", one of the spunky boys asked Amelia and sat down in the front chair where the commander's spirit was sitting, He sat right across, the commander did not let him even realize his presence. The bus commander signaled Amelia to leave the restaurant. Amelia understood the commander's point, because there were other people in the restaurant, so he did not want to sabotage it.

"Wait just a minute... listen, please pack my sandwiches and chocolate milk," said Amelia to the gang of crazy boys, then she asked the waitress to pack the order, and again engaged the maniacs in his talk. took "we... You can have fun in my car, why are you thinking, it's so crowded here", Amelia pointed to her car. After a while the waitress packed her order, took the order and told them all to come out pointed to. They all went out after him, with no idea what was going to happen next. Amelia herself did not even know what the commander was going to do next.


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