My First Day at School

Christiana just lost her father, her mother couldn't stop crying and it was their ten year anniversary.

Christiana was in her room, she couldn't bear losing her father at that stage she was, she needed him so badly she was, she was about finishing her school, her brother derrick was still young, he was frightened every time he goes to bed he keep dreaming of his father. Derrick is 11 years, he and his sister attended St. Francis School at Florida before they packed to Europe.


Christiana and Derrick were set to go to school, their mother had already prepare breakfast for them, Derrick decided to take his own to school.


Christiana and derrick were dropped at the school, every student started staring at them, Scotts and Frederick were close friend, and they both steer at Christiana.

Their mother took them to the Principal office to prepare everything they needed to resume with the others. Christiana went to the class with the help of her class prefect Michael Scolfred, their history teacher Mr. Harrison Prime.

Christiana went to the back seat Helena introduced herself to her so they became close friend. Bianca, Devi and Mara were troublesome mate and were popular in the school, Devi was the leader she was the daughter of the governor, so she always fell high of herself. She lied to her parent, she and her friends we go to club and come back drunk. Her father divorced her mother because she was caught sleeping with his best friend Mr. John Cruise. So he got angry and sign for a divorce.

Derrick on the other hands goes to class with sad mood. He introduced himself to the other student and went to sit in the front. He was brilliant, but the incidents of his father death affecting him.

After the class was over, he will go to the library to read and do hid assignment before their mother comes to pick them. Christiana mother Mrs. Maureen is a Doctor at (). So she hardly come back early, the kid were happy about their new school, Christiana was able to forget everything that happen to them but derrick was constantly having nightmare about his father.


Christiana had a list of what she wanted to do when she enter school, which were making friends and falling in love. So she tick that she had one close friend in her list which is Helena, they both do lot of stuff together, most times they go to the beach and sing with people on the street. Helena introduced Christiana to Racheal and Juliet, Racheal was from the family of Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Sebastian, while Juliet family were Average rich, her father and mother do quarrel with each other. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence always shout at each other even when she was a little kid, most times she will leave the house to go to her friend's house. Christiana became friends with them, she felt relief she didn't the words that do comes out of her mouth "Which my dad is here". She felt warm around her new friends and most times they do sleepover party.

Derrick was calm and quiet in school, he pass his Assignment and class work, after the class he goes for his sport practice, Macaulay became jealous of him because he pass him with a lot in the school, so it brought down his scored in class to B. It made him upset so anytime derrick want to do anything in school, Macaulay will always Tess him or Accused him of what he didn't do most times beat him.

Christiana and Derrick came back home. Their mother prepared food for all of them and brought it to the dining table.

********Derrick came downstairs, his mom asked him what happen to him, he lied that he fell and hit his face on the floor. His mother use first aid to treat him

**************Science Class

His class teacher came inside and told him that they were going to write test and he gave little minute for them to go through their book.

Some copy their answer in a paper and some in their legs. The test started, Macaulay saw how derrick was answering the question after derrick summit, and Macaulay summited also, he came out with C+, He was called to the principal office.

************Christiana was about entry the school, Mr. Harrison Prime Class, Suddenly a young handsome tall young guy also enter the class, he was a new student. Everybody in the class mouth were open until Mr. Harrison hit the table and they close their mouth, he introduced himself to the class as Isaac Wilfred. Then he went to sit at Christiana back.

Christiana didn't put attention on the teacher, she was carried away by the handsome and tall gorgeous looking that was at her back. After the class she and her friends were talking about him when they were taking there diner, her friends told her to take courage to talk to him but she was shy.

{School Closed}