An Unwelcomed Visitor, Di Junda

At this point, Lin Feng shared his story, a hint of bitterness in his voice, "I didn't leave the sect voluntarily. Instead, a villain damaged my Dantian, which led to my expulsion from the sect."

"Oddly enough, not long ago, my body experienced an unexpected change, and my Dantian healed. Only now have I realized that I had awakened the Medicinal Spirit Body."

"Before meeting both of you, I truly had no idea what was happening," he continued, his face showing a complex blend of confusion and surprise. Internally, he was careful to keep any mention of the Burning World Red Lotus to himself. It was his most crucial asset, a secret he had to protect at all costs.

"Really? That's truly amazing!" Ning Xian's eyes lit up with intrigue as she listened to his story, her expression a mix of disbelief and fascination.

"My real name is Lin Feng," he revealed. "If you know someone from the Starry Abyss Sect, you can confirm my story with them."

"I can also demonstrate some techniques unique to the Starry Abyss Sect. Knowing that I was already crippled, they didn't eliminate me to protect the sect's inheritance but simply instructed me to remain silent."

"By the way, I would appreciate it if you could keep this information confidential," he requested, his expression radiating trust and sincerity.

Qiu Liaoxi exhaled softly, her voice filled with empathy. "I never imagined you had endured such hardships."

"Don't worry, this old lady and Xian'er will keep your secrets safe!"

Then, showing a trace of concern, she asked, "Now that your Dantian has healed, do you plan to return to the Starry Abyss Sect?"

Upon hearing Qiu Liaoxi's suggestion, Lin Feng immediately shook his head, declaring firmly, "They wronged me; I will not demean myself by returning to them."

"However, I will definitely return to the Starry Abyss Sect one day. I need to uncover the truth behind my damaged Dantian, seek justice, and make them regret their actions against me!" he affirmed, his voice tinged with a desire for revenge.

"I understand," Qiu Liaoxi replied, her heart filled with a sense of possibility. "Since you have no intention of returning to the sect, why not consider staying at the Vast Spirit House? This old lady has an alchemy inheritance to share..."

The conversation in the room continued to unfold.

It was revealed that Qiu Liaoxi was not just an ordinary individual; she was the descendant of a renowned master alchemist. Unfortunately, her own aptitude for alchemy was modest.

While Ning Xian showed potential, her talent in alchemy did not match that of someone with a Medicinal Spirit Body.

Worried her legacy might fade into oblivion, Qiu Liaoxi proposed taking Lin Feng as her disciple.

Internally, Lin Feng felt a surge of excitement upon discovering Qiu Liaoxi's background. Her alchemical lineage was immensely valuable, particularly given his need for spiritual plants to nurture the Burning World Red Lotus. Moreover, his primary cultivation technique from the Starry Abyss Sect was incomplete, necessitating a switch to a new technique upon reaching the Soul Refining realm.

Recognizing his unique physique and innate talent, Lin Feng understood that he could excel in alchemy, making Qiu Liaoxi's inheritance perfectly suited for his advancement.

Thus, the meeting proved to be mutually advantageous as both parties found immediate common ground. Lin Feng accepted on the spot to become Qiu Liaoxi's disciple.


Meanwhile, Jiang Chen, living not far from the Vast Spirit House, couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance as he watched the scene unfold.

'Sure enough,' he mused cynically to himself, 'it's playing out almost exactly as I had predicted.'

'Now, Lin Feng will become Qiu Liaoxi's disciple, and unless something changes, he's bound to grow closer to Ning Xian...' Jiang Chen thought quietly, a subtle smile slowly forming on his lips.

He was aware that he was the unpredictable element in this otherwise predictable story.

Just then, his transmission jade token vibrated with an incoming message.

Reaching out to check it, Jiang Chen's amused smile turned into a cold, knowing laugh. He then stood and casually left the courtyard, already formulating a new plan in his mind.


Inside the Vast Spirit House, Lin Feng's disciple initiation ceremony was notably understated. Contrary to traditional ceremonies that involve kneeling and bowing, Lin Feng simply presented a cup of tea to Qiu Liaoxi, and with that gesture, he was formally accepted as her disciple.

Arrangements were made for Lin Feng to start learning the alchemy manual and cultivation techniques in the coming days.

Shortly thereafter, Qiu Liaoxi, seizing an opportunity to cultivate a relationship between Lin Feng and her disciple Ning Xian, excused herself, claiming she needed to attend to a pill furnace.

Her departure was deliberate; she hoped Ning Xian would find happiness and viewed Lin Feng as a suitable partner for her. Leaving them alone was her subtle method of fostering a closer bond between them.

However, just as Qiu Liaoxi was about to leave the room, a brash and arrogant voice resounded from outside. "Is Master Qiu here? Di Junda has come to disturb you once more!"

The voice, even through the door, carried an unmistakable tone of haughtiness.

Inside the room, Qiu Liaoxi's face took on a somber expression. Ning Xian's beautiful eyes flickered with anger, and her gaze became sharp.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked, picking up on the tension. "Master, Ning Xian, who is this Di Junda?"

He quickly deduced that Di Junda was a troublesome visitor, and his brows furrowed in concern.

Qiu Liaoxi, realizing the need for clarity, began to explain. "Originally, our Vast Spirit House functioned as a pharmacy..." She delved into the history of their feud with the Di Clan, illuminating the complex relationship and the reasons behind the current situation.

'Di Clan? Possessing an expert of the Spiritual Awakening realm?' Lin Feng pondered, absorbing the information about their expert in the Spiritual Awakening realm. 'In the past, reaching the Spiritual Awakening realm was a major challenge for me, but now, given a bit of time, it wouldn't be as difficult.'

After a brief moment of thought, he spoke with a serious expression, "There's no need to worry. I can use my connection with the Starry Abyss Sect to scare them off for now!"

"That's a wise approach," Qiu Liaoxi concurred, nodding in agreement.

The Di Clan's boldness had been increasing, verging on the point of openly seizing people in daylight.

Considering Lin Feng's current level of cultivation was not yet formidable, the optimal tactic was to leverage the influence of the Starry Abyss Sect to intimidate the Di Clan. This strategy would provide him with time to enhance his cultivation and prepare for any forthcoming confrontations.


Watching from a distance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be amused by this turn of events. 'Is this how things played out in the original story?' he wondered, a cold laugh escaping his lips.

In the original plot, the truth about Lin Feng's expulsion from the Starry Abyss Sect had remained hidden, effectively intimidating the Di Clan.

But now, things were different.

'It's time for me to step in,' Jiang Chen resolved, a mischievous smirk on his face. He made a discreet gesture towards a distant location, then emerged from the shadows, heading towards the Vast Spirit House.

In response to his signal, a group of cultivators, escorting a seriously ill person, quickly followed his direction, hurrying to join him.


Inside the Vast Spirit House, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged.

"Master Qiu, Miss Ning Xian, don't assume I'm unaware of your presence just because you're silent. I have brought an expert from the Soul Refining realm with me," Di Junda proclaimed, a self-satisfied expression on his oily face. He was garishly dressed in red and black brocade robes, his waist embellished with flashy jade ornaments.

Close behind him stood an elderly man with grey hair, his keen, hawk-like eyes surveying the surroundings.

As the door slowly opened, Lin Feng, Qiu Liaoxi, and Ning Xian stepped out, their expressions impassive as they confronted Di Junda and the elderly man.

"Who are you?" Di Junda demanded, his face twisting in displeasure at the sight of Lin Feng. "What's your relationship with Ning Xian?"

Di Junda's annoyance was evident. The sight of Lin Feng, a young and attractive man, in close proximity to Ning Xian was troubling for him. In his mind, Ning Xian was a forbidden possession, someone he had long considered exclusively his, a claim he, Di Junda, had silently asserted.

Lin Feng's retort was quick and scornful. With a mocking smirk, he replied, "Who am I? Di Junda, open your miserable eyes and take a good look!"

Effortlessly, he formed a hand seal with his right hand, channeling his Origin Power. In an instant, a mist that resembled a star-filled night sky swirled around his body!

The elderly man in the Soul Refining realm, witnessing this display, had his eyes widen in shock, his expression changing abruptly.

"This is!?" he exclaimed, disbelief evident on his face. "The Starry Abyss Sect's Starry Abyss Heavenly Scripture!?"

"How... how... how is this possible! Could it be that you are a disciple of the Starry Abyss Sect?" Di Junda stammered, his previous arrogance dissolving into sheer terror. Though often a fop, he was no fool. He had done his homework, knowing well whom he could provoke and whom he couldn't.

Having witnessed the unique characteristics of the Starry Abyss Sect's techniques on more than one occasion, Di Junda recognized the starry night mist conjured by Lin Feng. This realization made him acutely aware of the situation's seriousness. Individuals affiliated with the Starry Abyss Sect were not to be taken lightly.

Regaining his composure quickly, Di Junda knew what he had to do next: Apologize. The situation had spiraled out of his control, and he recognized the need to withdraw his hostility to avoid further trouble.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a new male voice echoed unexpectedly through the hall of the Vast Spirit House, taking everyone by surprise.

"This Vast Spirit House is quite the lively place," the speaker observed, his tone blending amusement and curiosity. "Hehe, isn't this Lin Feng? Did you run here after being expelled from the Starry Abyss Sect? What a coincidence!"

These words were spoken by none other than Jiang Chen.