Faking a Chance Meeting

In a courtyard not far from the inn, Jiang Chen observed everything unfolding inside the Vast Spirit House.

He pondered silently, 'What should be my next move? Lin Feng will undoubtedly be at the trade fair hosted by the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce. He'll be there with Ning Xian and Qiu Liaoxi.'

'At this trade fair, he is likely to showcase his skills and gain substantial benefits. I must prepare beforehand and sabotage his plans!' Jiang Chen mused determinedly, and immediately retrieved his transmission jade token to send a message to Jiang Xingtai, further tightening the restrictions on the cultivators of the Jiang Clan and their affiliated clans.

By doing this, he intended to stop them from being unwitting pawns for Lin Feng, who might take advantage of the situation.

Immediately afterward, with a swift stride, his figure blurred into an afterimage and disappeared. Jiang Chen quickly reached the largest square in Autumn Glory City in no time.

This vast square was surrounded by the city's most bustling market. The Jiang Clan owned a quarter share of this market, overseeing various sectors. Their trade included pills, spiritual plants, and other related items.

However, the quality of their products was generally average, offering only standard grades. In all of Autumn Glory City, there were no pills comparable to the Clearing Mind Awakening Spirit Pill.

For Jiang Chen, as a cultivator at the Late-stage of the Spiritual Awakening realm, Autumn Glory City offered no cultivation resources that could immediately impact his cultivation progress. However, the arrival of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce this time presented a valuable opportunity for him.

At that moment, Jiang Chen walked leisurely along the road. His Late-stage Spiritual Awakening realm cultivation base was hidden by the Moondust Ring, making him appear as if he were merely at the Early-stage of the Spiritual Awakening realm.

However, he did not disguise his appearance, and many people still recognized him.

"Young Master Jiang Chen!" exclaimed one passerby in surprise.

"You've returned from the Starry Abyss Sect! That's wonderful!" another added enthusiastically.

"Young Master Jiang, I just acquired a high-quality copper essence. If you're interested, please feel free to take it!" a merchant offered eagerly.


Eager faces surrounded Jiang Chen, but they dared not approach too closely due to his aloof expression.

They all came bearing gifts: some with spiritual plants, others with mineral materials, a few brandishing weapons, and some even presented beautiful women. The variety was chaotic.

Usually, gift-giving was a more subtle affair, but who could blame them? Jiang Chen seldom returned, and their opportunities to present gifts were rare.

Jiang Chen ignored the obsequious gestures of these individuals. Instead, he was engrossed in using his Villain Eye, diligently scanning everyone within his divine sense's range. To foresee Lin Feng's imminent plot, he needed to identify the 'battlefield'.

The Villain Eye, capable of detecting supporting characters, allowed Jiang Chen to pinpoint potential targets that Lin Feng might impress or befriend. Yet, as he strolled, the Villain Eye gave no indications, revealing only ordinary passersby in his surroundings.

Suddenly, a message arrived through Jiang Chen's transmission jade token. It informed him that Lin Feng, along with Ning Xian and Qiu Liaoxi, had already left the Vast Spirit House.

'They've already set off? I must hurry!' Jiang Chen thought, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. Paying no mind to the astonished onlookers, he burst into a sprint. As he raced through the streets, he continued to use the Villain Eye, scanning everyone within the range of his divine sense.

Jiang Chen was not moving aimlessly; instead, he was purposefully heading towards the encampment of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce in the square.

Soon, a white three-story building came into view. This structure was the signature presence of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce. It was usually kept in a spacious storage artifact and only assembled when they visited a cultivator city.

Surrounding the building were several carriages resembling transport vehicles. These carriages were used to carry items that could not be stored in a storage artifact, like demonic beast cubs, demonic beast eggs, and other living creatures.

At this moment, the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce was bustling with preparations for the upcoming trade fair. The scene was a hive of activity, with people constantly coming and going.

"Jiang Chen from the Jiang Clan has come to see the president of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce." Jiang Chen stepped forward, announced his identity, and expressed his purpose for visiting.

Staff members were stationed in front of the building to welcome guests. A woman, perceiving Jiang Chen's aura indicative of the Spiritual Awakening realm, responded with a respectful bow. "Please wait a moment!" she said courteously, before hurrying off to convey his arrival.

However, the same woman soon reappeared, her face etched with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Young Master Jiang!" she said regretfully. "The president is feeling unwell this morning and is unable to meet with you for now. He can only have his steward meet with you in his place."

"The president said that once he feels better, he will personally visit the Jiang Clan to pay his respects to you," she continued with a tone of assurance.

"Feeling unwell?" Jiang Chen queried, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"Since that is the case, please have your president take good care and rest. I will take my leave first," he responded politely, then turned and departed.

Although Jiang Chen did not meet the president of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce, he had essentially deduced that the president was a supporting character. This character was similar to his cousin, Jiang Yuqian, but with a more significant role.

How could a protagonist, following the path of the Divine Physician, focus on treating only one supporting character?

Since he couldn't meet the president of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Chen understood that forcing his way in was not an option. Given the esteemed status of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce, they undoubtedly possessed a formidable background.

Just then, Jiang Chen's transmission jade token buzzed with news that Lin Feng and his company had arrived at the square.

'I must 'coincidentally' encounter them. I cannot let Lin Feng hog all the glory and act superior,' Jiang Chen mused, a cunning glint in his eyes. With this thought, he swiftly made his way towards Lin Feng's group.

On his way there, aware that the trade fair was about to start, Jiang Chen noticed an increasing number of cultivators gathering. Street vendors also began to set up their stalls one after another along the route.

As he observed the street vendors around him, Jiang Chen's eyes sparkled and a smile formed on his lips. 'Street vendors... This atmosphere, yes, it's familiar. It's the style of the usual routine!' he thought with a hint of amusement.

One classic trope in novels is the familiar scene where the protagonist discovers hidden treasures at a roadside stall. These treasures usually bring significant benefits, while the unsuspecting vendor believes he has struck gold, unaware of the item's true worth.

Alternatively, a confident protagonist might reveal the real value of the treasure, astonishing onlookers and feeling quite pleased with himself. However, this revelation often leads to the vendor, realizing the item's true worth, refusing to sell it, setting the stage for the next turn in the plot...

Jiang Chen extended his divine sense, thoroughly scanning his surroundings. However, perhaps due to the limited number of roadside stalls at the moment, he didn't detect anything out of the ordinary, nor did he encounter any supporting characters.

Suddenly, three familiar figures came into view: Lin Feng, Qiu Liaoxi, and Ning Xian. Qiu Liaoxi was walking in the center, with Lin Feng and Ning Xian on either side of her.

As Jiang Chen caught sight of Lin Feng's group, they, in turn, noticed him.

Upon seeing Jiang Chen, Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and a feeling of irritation gradually welled up within him. 'It's Jiang Chen! He actually came to the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce's trade fair?'

'Damn it, why do we keep running into him everywhere!?' Lin Feng thought with growing frustration. Regrettably, he couldn't show his irritation too openly and felt quite stifled.

At this moment, Jiang Chen approached the three with a smile on his face and greeted them cheerfully, "Alchemist, Miss Ning, and Lin Feng! I didn't expect to run into you all here, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, Young Master Jiang, what a coincidence," Qiu Liaoxi responded, nodding with a polite smile.

No one questioned Jiang Chen's presence. This trade fair, jointly organized by the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce, the Zhou Clan, the Jiang Clan, and other forces, was a significant event in Autumn Glory City. It was only natural for anyone aware of it to attend.

Thus, Jiang Chen's appearance here was not out of the ordinary.

"Young Master Jiang Chen, are you here alone?" Ning Xian inquired.

"Yeah, I just came alone to take a look around and see what's new," Jiang Chen replied casually. "Since we've run into each other here, why don't we walk around together?"

Before the trio could respond, Jiang Chen walked over to Lin Feng and, pointing ahead, suggested, "Let's go, let's go take a look that way."

Lin Feng was about to decline, but Jiang Chen had already seamlessly integrated himself into their group before he could speak. Now, it was difficult for him to refuse.

After all, in the eyes of Ning Xian and Qiu Liaoxi, Jiang Chen was not only a friend but also someone who had assisted them in the past.

Meanwhile, Ning Xian and Qiu Liaoxi were mildly surprised to see Jiang Chen join so directly. However, upon observing Jiang Chen standing alongside Lin Feng, a realization dawned on both of them.

Over the past few days, Lin Feng had fully recovered his cultivation base, returning to his previous peak in the Middle-stage of the Soul Refining realm, and had even slightly surpassed it.

Jiang Chen, witnessing this scene, was undoubtedly taken aback.

From the perspective of Ning Xian and Qiu Liaoxi, Jiang Chen had always shown admiration for Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's recent advancement, they assumed that Jiang Chen was once again intent on winning Lin Feng's allegiance.

Unfortunately, they were oblivious to the fact that Jiang Chen had long been aware of his true feelings towards Lin Feng. Furthermore, the so-called 'admiration' was merely a facade, a clever ruse crafted by Jiang Chen.

Every action he had taken was driven by a single, unwavering purpose: to eliminate Lin Feng!