A Solo Performance Behind Closed Doors

A sequence of instructions was sent to Elder Ge through his transmission jade token. This entire procedure took place quietly, as Jiang Chen engaged in casual conversation and laughter with Ning Xian.

After getting Jiang Chen's directions, Elder Ge was initially perplexed but remained devoted to his duty, carrying out the orders without hesitation.

Regarding Jiang Chen's uncle, Jiang Xingtai, who was the head of the Jiang Clan, he also had a great deal of faith in Jiang Chen. He mobilized the full resources of the Jiang Clan and worked in coordination with the plan.

Suddenly, the Jiang Clan, a powerful entity that dominated half of Autumn Glory City, quietly reached out with its many 'arms' and swiftly sprang into action.


In the Zhou Clan's mansion, within a large room filled with an array of medicinal aromas, an old man with a white beard was bent over a desk, closely examining a recently obtained recipe for the Vigorous Qi Rejuvenation Pill.

This man was Zhou Yongyan, the foremost alchemist of the Zhou Clan, renowned for his skills in not only alchemy but also in refining artifacts and setting formations. Additionally, he was a skilled appraiser.

Out of the blue, his transmission jade token began to show indications of incoming communication.

"What's this?" Zhou Yongyan muttered curiously before channeling his divine sense into the transmission jade token to check the new message.

Instantly, his eyes widened in surprise. "What? That old Liu Song has actually made some progress with the formula of the Vigorous Qi Rejuvenation Pill!?" He paused, then continued incredulously, "And he's inviting me to discuss it?"

"Hehe, look at him trying to flaunt his achievements. He's even invited others!" Zhou Yongyan chuckled with a hint of amusement, then quickly sent a reply, accepting Liu Song's invitation.


In Autumn Glory City, the Jiang and Zhou Clans were the most powerful. There's an old saying that a single mountain can't hold two tigers unless one is male and the other female.

While there was some tension between the Jiang and Zhou Clans, their relationship wasn't completely hostile. They were connected through marriages and kept a certain level of communication open.

Additionally, both Clans had intricate relationships with other influential groups within Autumn Glory City.

Alchemists, artifact refiners, and formation experts from different groups often shared knowledge and techniques with each other. Given their dominant positions in their fields within Autumn Glory City, they had limited options for such intellectual exchanges.

Under Jiang Chen's direction, the Jiang Clan sent out invitations to many skilled appraisers in Autumn Glory City. None refused the Jiang Clan's invitation, and all agreed to attend.

As a result of these developments, the audience for Lin Feng's showy display decreased by eighty percent!

Soon after, Jiang Xingtai himself made an appearance and extended an invitation to the influential figures of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce for a gathering.

When these members expressed their interest in participating in the appraisal fair, Jiang Xingtai quickly seized the opportunity and offered to provide prizes for the event.

Being a clan leader, Jiang Xingtai was far from average. He adeptly convinced the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce to accept his proposal. He then invited some of their key members for a casual meeting over drinks, effectively ensuring they would be unable to attend the appraisal conference.

Following this, Jiang Xingtai adjusted the rewards for the appraisal event, offering items slightly more valuable than common treasures, along with some spirit stones.


Meanwhile, Lai Peng, accompanied by Lin Feng, arrived at the Zhou Clan and had a meeting with their patriarch. He disclosed his intentions, but soon found out that Zhou Yongyan had already left.

As time was running out, Lai Peng had no choice but to depart with Lin Feng, unable to pursue the matter further.

However, just as they were about to leave, they ran into Zhou Yihe, the notorious and carefree second young master of the Zhou Clan.

Upon hearing about Lai Peng's reason for the visit and learning that Lin Feng planned to take part in the appraisal competition, Zhou Yihe instantly showed scorn and disrespect. Being a long-time resident of Autumn Glory City, he had never come across Lin Feng, a figure with no notable reputation.

This deeply angered Lin Feng, who was eager to showcase his true skills right then and there, aiming to sharply counter Zhou Yihe's disdain. But with the clock ticking, Lai Peng had to pull him away, leaving Lin Feng with no choice but to postpone his grudge against Zhou Yihe for another time.

In fact, if things had gone according to the original plot, Zhou Yongyan wouldn't have left the Zhou Clan's residence. During the clash between Zhou Yihe and Lin Feng, Zhou Yongyan would have become aware of the situation and set up a challenge for Lin Feng, providing him the opportunity to effectively counter Zhou Yihe's contempt.

Following this, Zhou Yongyan and the Patriarch of the Zhou Clan might have even recognized Lin Feng's talents and rewarded him accordingly!

However, these events were now out of the realm of possibility. Meanwhile, a system notification echoed in Jiang Chen's mind, sparking a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes.

[Ding! You have successfully altered the plot. Lin Feng's Heavenly Fate Value decreased by 200 points!]

[Ding! You have earned 300 points of Villain Value!]

'Hehe, successfully changing the plot! My efforts have paid off!' Jiang Chen thought triumphantly, a sense of satisfaction bubbling within him. His steps grew even lighter with this realization.

Continuing Jiang Chen's strategy, the members of the Jiang Clan didn't stop there. They ensured that every cultivator known for their appraisal skills received an invitation from the Jiang Clan. Remarkably, this included even the appraisers from the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce, leaving no one out.

Meanwhile, regarding the items selected for appraisal at the event, the Jiang Clan sent envoys to acquire them from their respective owners. Even though the prices offered were high, Jiang Chen didn't consider it a loss. His reasoning was straightforward: as long as Lin Feng didn't gain any advantage, it wasn't a loss for him.

Furthermore, among these yet-to-be-appraised treasures, there might be items whose worth significantly exceeded their purchase price. These items were originally chosen for Protagonist Lin Feng's appraisal. If they were all ordinary goods, the appraisal event wouldn't hold much intrigue or value for the audience.

On the other side, Lai Peng was guiding Lin Feng in their quest to find people, but they faced a significant hurdle. Most of the individuals they were looking for were mysteriously absent. Adding to their confusion, they couldn't even ascertain the whereabouts of these individuals. This was because the Jiang Clan had specifically instructed that the knowledge exchange was of a profound nature and required strict confidentiality.

As time trudged on, Lai Peng continued his search, relying on a list of names. However, his efforts were in vain as he couldn't locate anyone except Lin Feng. Eventually, he found himself at a loss, overwhelmed by confusion and disbelief.

Lin Feng's face also took on a baffled expression. He had been led to believe that this appraisal competition would be a convergence of the elite, yet here he was, seemingly having to carve his own niche and build his reputation solo. Could it be that he was the only one who turned up for the event?

'Well, having the whole stage to myself isn't so bad,' Lin Feng thought to himself with a mix of resignation and determination. As long as he had the opportunity to demonstrate his prowess, he was confident that the cultivators present would be thoroughly impressed by his talents.

However, his eager demeanor quickly faded upon arriving at the appraisal event with a dispirited Lai Peng. To his shock, the venue was sparsely populated, with just a few people present who appeared to be ordinary staff in charge of handling the items.

In addition, the quantity of items awaiting appraisal was far fewer than Lin Feng had anticipated. They were merely a collection of objects that the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce had accumulated over the years but had been unable to appraise.

Yet, considering that the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce regularly visited cultivator cities and conducted appraisal events, it seemed unlikely that many items would remain unappraised. Lin Feng took a count and realized that there were only five items in total. Surprisingly, two of these weren't even spiritual plants, but rather a pill furnace and a container resembling a bottle, likely used for storing medicinal pills.

Lin Feng turned to Lai Peng with a dumbfounded look and said in disbelief, "Brother Lai, is this really the appraisal event of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce?"

Was he here just for a one-man show behind closed doors? And it seemed he couldn't even conduct his solo performance for long...

"Alas," Lai Peng replied with a sigh, a tone of confusion in his voice, "It wasn't like this before. I'm not sure what's happened this time."

Suddenly, his expression grew serious, and he spoke with a hint of concern, "Could it be that the health of our chamber of commerce president is failing, affecting the event? But that doesn't seem right!"

Lin Feng felt a spark of interest upon hearing this and quickly asked, "What's happened to the president of your chamber of commerce?"

He was aware that his own Burning World Red Lotus had special healing properties, capable of treating various complex and challenging illnesses. Using it to treat the president of the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce could yield significant benefits.

Lai Peng hesitated briefly, then said with a degree of reluctance, "Well, under normal circumstances, I shouldn't be sharing this information. But seeing your proficiency in alchemy, perhaps you can help. I'll tell you about his condition and maybe you can offer a solution."

"Alright," Lin Feng replied, his smile faint but hopeful. "Perhaps I can indeed cure him."

"Then listen while you appraise these items," Lai Peng suggested, his voice carrying a solemn tone, "Our president at the White Mountain Chamber of Commerce first exhibited symptoms of his illness about three years ago."

"I was there during one of his episodes, and it was quite alarming. His robust physique shrunk to about a quarter of its usual size, and the veins in his body contorted like withered tree roots!"

"It's believed that this horrific condition was caused by the president accidentally undergoing a Qi Deviation during his cultivation..." Lai Peng's voice trailed off, his face marked with an expression of deep sorrow.