Lin Feng's Emotional Outburst

Finally, Lin Feng turned and gave a traditional fist-and-palm salute to Zhou Ruiyu, greeting him with a formal, "Patriarch Zhou!"

"You're pretty straightforward for someone your age," Zhou Ruiyu remarked, his eyes narrowing. He then motioned towards the corpses and instructed, "Now, tell me everything you saw and heard about this incident."

"Sorry, Patriarch Zhou, I didn't see or hear anything about this," Lin Feng quickly responded, firmly denying any presence at the scene.

He knew his image had been captured by Bao He using the Image Projection Stone. Admitting he was there would make it impossible to explain Bao He's death.

Would this mean he'd have to confess to killing Bao He but not the others? However, the way Bao He died was the same as the rest.

So, Lin Feng had no choice but to insist he hadn't been at the site of the conflict and that the 'Lin Feng' shown by the Image Projection Stone was a fake.