I looked around what they called the war room, taking in the security monitors, computers, and the table that held maps and files found at the compounds.
I watched Farah as she took a seat in Kayden's lap, not even bothering to find an empty chair. I have never seen her so happy and carefree before. I
"So I have an idea, but I want everyone's opinion because this idea affects everyone, so please hear me out." When they all nodded, I continued, pacing the room as I explained, "I think we should tell the public about us."
Farah gasped as the others rose from their chairs with teeth bared in anger.
Beare stood with his arms crossed, "Explain to us why this is a good idea," he stated.
With a shaky hand, I scratched the back of my neck, "I think that we should go public so that the world knows what's happening to us and so that we don't have to hide," I explained.
"How do you suppose we do this, brother?" asked Farah with her arms crossed.
"I think the next time we raid a compound, we should film it, and show some selected data and even a video of some of us changing, then post it on the internet. At first, people will think it's some scam, but then we show proof. Hopefully, we will get the government's attention, and they will step in and help us." I suggested.
Beare scratched at his chin in thought, then looked at the others around the room, "What do you think, guys?" asked Bear.
Kayden shrugged, "I think it's worth a shot, but the only problem is that I'm sure the government is the one who is behind the experiments. We need to figure out who it is and expose them."
Charlie nodded, "I agree with Kayden. I think this would help us in the long run, but it won't be easy, and we will need to choose someone to be the face of our people."
"Why not, Bear?" Says Farah; everyone turned to her as she explained. "We already treat him as a leader; I think Beare and my brother should be the ones to do it." She said.
"I would agree if he weren't so big and scary," I said, "I think that it should be someone who is both gentle and not as scary but can still kick some ass if needed."
"I think Farah would be the best choice," Said Jordan.
"Seriously? You want me to do it?" Farah said, looking surprised.
When we all nodded, she sat down hard into a chair with a sign, then said, "I will do the best I can, but I can't promise anything."
"You have all of us to watch your back," says Kayden, "Trust us when we say that you would be perfect for the role."
"With this idea, we must start looking for the next compound. After we find it and save the next group, we will figure out the rest," Bear presented, "We need to go through the files we found yesterday."
I was happy that everyone agreed with my plan. I smiled at Farah as Charlie passed around folders.
"This file explains where all the kids are," Farah states, "Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio, and Michigan. Which one is closer?" She asked.
"Georgia is the closest," Kayden explained, pulling a map of the states closer to show her where Georgia was. Farah and I didn't receive much education after we were locked in the compound.
After looking through the rest of the files, we decided to hit the compound in Georgia next. We all sat around the table discussing our next mission for the next few hours. Farah had left at some point to check on the kids and returned an hour later with sandwiches and cans of soda for everyone.
I watched as she went and sat in Jordan's lap, who wrapped his arms around her while she leaned back against his chest to watch and listened as he explained to her what he was doing.
I was jealous of what they all had together. There weren't many female Werebeasts, but I may find someone someday.