Chapter 22: Hikaru VS Kuturi

(Warning!) : the following chapter has so much violent and bloody scenes, it may be Not suitable for people with weak hearts or children

The air grew thick with the oppressive heat, suffocating and suffusing every breath with a sickly warmth. Despite the distance of 150 meters (492 feet) separating them, Hikaru could feel Kotori's gaze bore into her with a burning intensity.

eyes that shone quietly with a fiery red light. hikaru could feel the bloodthirsty desire for violence screaming in those eyes.

kotori starts to fly closer as the unhuman smile on her face grows bigger.

Hikaru was frozen not knowing how to act. attack, make a distance between them, or talk...

so much thought in a short period, made her mind a mess

100m... 70m...30m... and then hikaru found kotori face in front of her

the heat was unbearable, but she has her own pride to showing it.

the silence that surrounds the place for a quiet while was broken, "I like the fight to be as bloody as possible." Hikaru felt a shiver run down her spine at those words. the words themselves weren't the reason. but rather the way Kotori said it

despite she the angel of fire, there was no warmth in her words, just a pure desire to fight till death.

"I know you'll use your light manipulation for some cheap tricks." Kotori declared, her hand slowly moving to cover her face.

"that's why" Hikaru watched in horror as Kotori's hand closed tightly over her eyes, her nails digging deep into her flesh.

"I'm going to get rid of what you need for your tricks to work."


And with a sudden, violent motion, Kotori began to pull on her hand, dragging it along her face. Blood flowed freely from the wound, as she removed the upper part of her face, exposing the raw, pulsating flesh and bone underneath.

It was a gruesome sight, and Hikaru was frozen with horror as Kotori appeared to be planning to remove her own eyes.

With each agonizing inch that Kotori's hand moved, her face peeled back like the skin of an overripe fruit, revealing the ghastly sight of her skull beneath.

Hikaru's heart was pounding in her chest as she watched in horror as Kotori slowly peeled off her own face, revealing the glistening muscles and tendons beneath. The sight was so gruesome that Hikaru had to fight the urge to look away, but something compelled her to keep watching.

Kotori's fingers continued to dig deeper into her face, tearing off chunks of flesh and bone until she had completely removed her upper jaw and cheekbones. Blood dripped from her exposed muscles, but Kotori seemed to be reveling in the pain, a twisted smile spreading across her face.

But Kotori didn't stop there. With a sickening crunch, she tore out her own eyes, leaving two bloody sockets where they used to be.

Hikaru could feel bile rising in her throat at the sight of the gruesome self-mutilation.

Kotori didn't seem to care. With her fingers still digging into the empty sockets where her eyes used to be, she turned to Hikaru

And With a maniacal grin on her face, she threw her own face at Hikaru, who instinctively raised her arms to shield herself.

The impact was like a wet slap, and Hikaru felt something warm and sticky running down her arms. When she lowered her arms, she saw that Kotori's face had landed on the ground at her feet and that it was still twitching and writhing.

Suddenly, Hikaru felt something wet and slimy slide down her own face, and she realized that it was Kotori's blood. She tried to wipe it away, but it only smeared and spread, making her feel even more sick and horrified.

"Hee-hee! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Kotori started to laugh, a deep and unsettling sound that echoed through the empty space around them.

"she a true monster" That is all hikaru could say before she throws a fist at her face sending her flying to the ground, and destroying whatever was in the way

hikaru can feel the dripping blood in her fist, but she ignores it. unless it is her own, everything is okay

"i have to take her back to her sense, that means that fight should not last long"

She raised her hand to the sky, "50%"

the purple aura around her got darker and the sky with it

but something was weird

their something that Impedes the purple glow from dominance

it was a red bright light, and it was from a huge flame slash heading toward her

hikaru dodge the attack with ease as she already saw it coming

"she knows where I am even though she destroyed her own eyes, she probably relies on my body temperature to know where I am"

she moved her glance to where the attack come from. searching for kotori as she was still in her deep thought, analyzing the situation, "as she said before, without eyes my casual trick is useless" she smirked," but that doesn't mean i can't make something new, but first where is she"

hikaru started to feel worried as she still can't locate kotori place, "she wants to fight head on head, so why is she hidin-"

"i am not. you're just a blind, FOOL!"


a voice called from above, hikaru eyes widened as she turned to the source of the voice, just to find kotori pointing her Cannon at her

"Destroy my enemy, Camael!"

and with a war call,hikaru found a powerful blast heading toward her

she tried to dodge but it was too late

all she could do was calling a name, "Ohr Chesed!"

the blast hurtling towards one of the city towers, just to erase it and all surrounding building


The impact creates a massive crater, sending debris flying in every direction. The ground rumbles and shakes, and the air is filled with a cloud of dust and debris.

As the dust settles, the true extent of the devastation becomes clear. The surrounding area is transformed beyond recognition, as a huge part of the city is flattened.

kotori, remained silent waiting for any hint of hikaru survival, just to be rewarded by the appearance of her, without any sign of injury as she lifted the debris that was trapping her under the ruin

'she used the attack as a hidden spot to travel through me without my knowing

hikaru glanced at kotori, 'She located me through the heat, let's change that.'

with the last word leaving her mouth, a field of brilliant light started to form around her body. with every second it goes, the field got bigger and bigger- but

whatever Hikaru was planning to do, she stopped as Kotori's face was in front of her or that was it supposed to be, as Hikaru was glancing at the shape of a human skull in front of her

"you really take your time to do this while I am still watching"

And with a powerful swing, Kotori waved her axe aiming to cut her in half


Hikaru barely dodged attacking to the side


but that wasn't the case with the heat that went with the swing, all she had to do is endure

"I am not done yet!"

Kotori swings her axe again

Hikaru doge to the left

Again, and hikaru to the right

She swing and swing, and hikaru kept dodging, each of Kuturi's swings was a final blow for hikaru

"that not gonna be good for me!"

she decided to fly away to make a distance, but that was the wrong move Kuturi was waiting for

"FOOL!" kotori, and In the blink of an eye, she caught up to her, and swing the huge axe in her arms


"...!" Hikaru was now staring at the lower half of her body as it was falling to the ground

Kuturi had succeeded in slicing her in half

time seemed to stop, as kotori kept glancing at hikaru face, even though she don't have eyes to see, the heat can tell her everything

What expression would she make, she didn't care. the only thing that she was waiting for on her face was FEAR!

but the expression on hikaru face was the opposite of that

it was like a smile of victory

"You!...." Kotori exclaimed, realizing that Hikaru was making a different expression than she had anticipated.

Hikaru's face began to glow with a bright light, building up to an explosive release


The sky lit up as if a new sun had been born, and the bright light filled the air for a few seconds.

"ha.....ha...ha" as the light burned out, leaving only a shallow and ragged breath that could be heard.

A figure appeared. Her skin was blackened and blistered, and her astral dress was ripped and torn. Blood dripped from deep lacerations on her arms and legs.

Her left arm hung at an unnatural angle, shattered bones piercing through the skin. Her right leg was barely recognizable, mangled, and contorted in a grotesque manner. The force of the explosion had torn off several of her fingers, leaving only bloody stumps.

Flames erupted from every wound on Kuturi's body, creating a fiery aura that engulfed her entirely.

"be careful to not heal your face too, that would be meaningless after all the drama that you went through" a voice spoke from beneath her. It was Hikaru, who had apparently been hiding in the ruins.

'all this time it was just a clone of her'

"How did yo-"

"I just simulated the heat of a living human in a perfect clone of me... OOPS! I shouldn't explain my trick to the enemy, oh well you're so stupid to use this information as a weapon," Hikaru interrupted, a red glow forming in her eyes as a wicked smile spread across her face.

Kuturi's flames began to die down as she watched Hikaru, studying her expression. "Those eyes!" she exclaimed. "Yes! You're just like me, someone who revels in spilled blood, who will fight until the bitter end." A huge smile and a deep blush spread across her face. "Let's kill each other, Hikaru!" With a fierce roar, she charged toward her opponent, brandishing a massive axe.

Hikaru didn't pay attention to what the Kuturi was shouting, after all, she was putting the final touch on her plan, 'she can control whether to heal something in her body or not. that means if she didn't know- he-he-he-he-he' she giggle under her breath as she dodge Kuturi's swing

"Shido would be deeply disappointed in you right now," Hikaru spat out the words with a smug look on her face.

"HUH?" Kotori froze for a fraction of a second, no longer than a millisecond, but that was enough for hikaru to land a punch on her stomach.

her feet dig at the ground as it slows the punch impacted.

but the punch didn't show to do that damage at Kotori, "what with those words, another trick to make me drop my guard down."

hikaru launch herself at kotori, her fist poised to strike. "Nah i am just speaking fact, after i finish with you he's gonna be Mine!"

Kotori blocked the punch with her axe, her usual smile replaced with a deep frown. "And why should I car-"

"so why your smile turned to a frown," Hikaru remarked with a smirk, " You know you've disappointed him, even if you defeat me. He won't see you as his sister anymore." She chuckled wickedly. "Oh wait, you weren't his real sister from the start, were you?"

"Enough!" Kuturi shouted, her axe swinging in a wide arc as she launched Hikaru away.

Hikaru raised both her arms in defense. Despite her efforts, the impact was too powerful, and both her hands snapped with a sickening crack. A large, gaping wound appeared on her chest, and she stumbled back, leaving a trail of blood in her wake.

"Geee!.." Kuturi winced as she felt a sharp pain in her head.

hikaru took a step forward, her foot walking on a pool of her own blood, she wasn't a clone, and she didn't use her angel to heal the injury

"I WIN!" Hikaru declared, triumph in her voice

"...!" Kotori doubled over, coughing up blood as she sank to her knees. The pain was so intense that it felt like her entire body was screaming

"What in th-" Her voice cracked as she tried to speak.

her skin began to peel away in thick, blackened sheets, revealing raw, red flesh beneath. Blood seeped from every pore, and her astral dress clung to her body, soaked through with sweat and other bodily fluids. It was a horrifying sight, and even Kuturi was taken aback by the gruesome display.

Her stomach churned and heaved, and her bowels evacuated uncontrollably. Her heart raced and skipped beats, struggling to pump blood through her rapidly deteriorating body.

the red flames that surrounded her flickered and disappeared, replaced by a thick, blue fire.

the flames that heal any injury that she may expose to

She hadn't realized that her face had healed, showing the confusion on her face

"How was your experience with nuclear radiant for the first time?" hikaru said as she glanced at the little girl on the ground

Kuturi raised her head in pain to see Hikaru standing nearby, her eyes slowly losing their red glow.

"How? You can't generate nuclear radiation through light?" Kuturi asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't think that matters in this situation. Your body seems to be striving to overcome the effects of the radiation, but I don't think it's the same for your brother," Hikaru replied gravely.

Future's eyes widened as she quickly turned her head towards the school roof.

She could sense that four lifeless figures lay on the ground, their bodies cold and still. But there was still some warmth in their internal organs.

"I can increase the radiation power as much as I want, and I expect that your healing factory would adapt, but what about your beloved Nii-san" Hikaru said, her voice steady and controlled.

Kuturi could barely muster a response, "Shi-do," she muttered weakly.

Hikaru knelt down, holding Kuturi's face with both hands, her palms still warm after she regenerative them. She brought Kuturi's face closer to hers, their eyes locking just an inch apart. "HE'S GONNA DIE, DO YOU HEAR ME, YOUR BELOVED BROTHER IS GONNA DIE!" Hysterical laughter echoed through the area, making everything seem even more surreal.

"N-o, Nii-san" She started to crawl towards her brother, the red glow in her eyes fading away. She was no longer possessed


"I'm sorry to make you go through this," a voice called out to her from behind, and a bright light appeared.

"heal my beloved " The light disappeared, and Kuturi's unconscious body was left on the ground, completely unharmed. Hikaru felt a wave of relief wash over her, but it was short-lived.

"Everything went go-" She fell to her knees, vomiting uncontrollably. The pain and exhaustion had finally caught up to her, and she was struggling to stay conscious. She looked up at the sky, watching as her angel disappeared into the distance, leaving behind the deep red of the sunset.

Hikaru knew that she had to move Kuturi to a safe place, but every movement was agony. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to stand up, her legs wobbling beneath her. Just as she took her first step, she felt a strange sensation wash over her, like the one she had felt when she was teleported to the Ratatoskr. She knew what was about to happen, and she braced herself for impact.

"Th-thank you," she managed to say before her body gave out, and she collapsed to the ground beside Kuturi.


(A/N): and finally, Kurumi's ark is over

after this chapter no one gonna see kotori as the cute little sister anymore.....

i feel like I went too bloody in this chapter, what do you think 😅.

anyway i hope the chapter wasn't boring, because i know most readers don't like the long fights or fights scene overall

see ya next time