chapter 2: what was that?

Lincius was in deep thought that he didn't even noticed that he was about to engage in an accident luckily the person in the other car dogged, that was when lincius was jolted back to reality, lincius started to feel a little bit uneasy what could it be I'm turning into.... Woah no way not now please, I found a secure place where no one could see me, I reached for my phone to call naemin but he wasn't picking could this be the end am I going to turn to it forever no way I've to try and call someone for help and what made the matter worse was that I didn't bring my drugs along, I tried and dialed naemin's phone number again and he wasn't picking, I decided to call Razernvens and luckily he picked up saying hey man, what's wrong I couldn't explain anything because of what I was seeing, when Razernvens couldn't understand what was going on he asked where are you, I replied I'm at the street we first met and he hanged off, could it be that I'll turn into it before Razernvens could arrive, I need to focus and control myself, I need to buy him sometime (I said to myself) I couldn't move an inch because I was getting heavier and colder, I managed to control myself before it was too late, it has been 30mins since I spoked to Razernvens luckily he arrived, the moment he came he was stunned at first, until when I groaned that was when he came back to reality, he said he didn't imagine it becoming this huge just 30mins ago, he quickly took out some injections and injected me, luckily I groaned loud and I started to turn back into human once again and thankfully no one had witnessed the scene, only I and Razernvens knew what had happened, I got back into my human form and we drove off he took me back home and told my parents that I was sick and couldn't drive that's why he brought me back home and luckily they agreed with the fat liar was already 4amin the evening when I was in my room, my phone started buzzing and I reached to it to see who's calling the moment my eyes made contact with the screen my mood brighten up it was Tessa I picked up the phone with lots of happiness, she said hey and I replied by saying hie, she said I just called to check up on you hope all is good I replied yeah all cool, and then we gisted alot before my dad called me, we have to bit each other goodbye and I hanged off....

It was already getting dark at Mrs.Els mansion and it seems like Tessa isn't back home yet after lincius had drop her off, she decided to follow him that she almost witnessed what had happened but luckily she didn't, it was getting dark and she isn't yet back home Mrs.El and Tessa's sister Ashley were very worried, he dad wasn't always at home so he doesn't know what was happening, at Tessa's side she was lost in the streets and don't know what to do she began to regret following lincius after he had drop her off, no one there seems to have pity on her not to talk of helping her, her battery was low so there's no way she could call for help, she asked the people nearby to help her with their phone to call for help but no one is willing to help her, she found a place in the Corner and squat down just then she started to cry and she slept off, she woke up from the sound of the roaring thunder she doesn't know what to do and it's already raining, she began to pray and just then a familiar face showed up behold it was Ronald he gave her a hand and she refused to accept it he punched her on the face and blood began to drip from her lips but he showed no care, she screemed for help but no one came to her rescue she stood to run but he slapped her and she fell onto the floor he gave her a punch in the stomach and she fainted, the next morning she woke up to find herself in a dark room all chained, she decided to pretend not to be awake when she heard some noise, she heard Ronald called her parents and told them that she was safe, what he lied to them, I cried bitterly until when I heard his voice saying darling are you awake, I kept shut in other not to attract his attention, he stood up and came closer to me and whispered what a cute sleeping baby, just wait when you wake up you'll regret it, this your beautiful face will turn into horror and then he laughed, I was pretending to be asleep in the outside but in the inside I was crying wishing that a miracle would happen but to my dismay nothing is going to happen, I kept on crying until when I heard Ronalds mobile phone ringing and then I heard him say I'll be there in 15mins, thankfully it was a telephone so he left it in the room and left locking me indoors, I struggle to reach for the phone.....


I went downstairs rushing because dad was calling and yes I already know what he was going to speak to me about, and the minute I sat down he began to speak about my ambition which I showed no interest, he kept on speaking but I wasn't even listening to him I was thinking about Tessa just then my mom's phone rang and it was Mrs.El when picked up the phone ( in a worried tune) she asked any news about Tessa, she replied yes, she is safe, she's with Ronald, mom sighs in relief and hanged off I asked what's wrong and she replied Tessa is missing but luckily she's now with Ronald and she is safe, even though mom had assured me that Tessa was safe I couldn't calm down, because I already knew who that jerk was, so I decided to excuse myself I went into my room and straight into the bathroom I went,  took my bath and came out rushing to Mrs.Els mansion, when I arrived Mrs.El wasn't not home, Ashley was the only person at home so I decided to ask her for a little help and luckily she agreed, I told her that I knew Ronald for quite a long time now and he's a jerk with zero sense and mercy, he was once a friend of mine, Ronald is really dangerous beyond imagination, Ashley was dumbfounded after lincius had narrated the whole scenario to her she almost cried but he had to calm her down because this isn't the best time to cry, he asked if she knew where Ronald lives but to his dismay she didn't, but luckily she has a friend near his house so they quickly hopped into the car and drove off, they arrived at her friends house but no one was at home , they waited a couple more hours and then her friend Harley arrived, Ashley asked her if she knew Ronald and she replied yes I do know Ronald (cutting them sharply) lincius asked do you know where he lives she replied I don't really know, but I think I know someone who knows where he lives, she also got into the car and we drove off, it was already 5:00 in the evening when we arrived and luckily her friend knew where Ronald lives, we went to his house but he wasn't around, we went into the house as Ronalds friends, we took our seats and the family decided to entertain us with some cookies and coffee which non of us had the mind to taste it, later that day around 7:15 in the night Ronald came back home, he was about to come in when he noticed my car outside so he sneakily went back and drove off thinking I didn't not see him, we excused ourselves and followed him as fast as we could on our way my car broke down, in other not to get him out of sight I quickly stepped out of the car and stopped the car that was passing by and quickly drove off, leaving Ashley, Harley and Ezekiel to settle down what I just caused  luckily they settled him down, I drove as fast as I could so that he won't escape and just then I started to feel a little bit uneasy, my breathe was getting heavier, wait nooo not now please, why is this thing happening now oh god, I started to change form, I didn't stopped driving I kept on following Ronald, I reached for my phone to call Razernvens but another thought pumped into my head, will I continue with this anytime happens, will I continue to call for help my entire life, I need to learn how to control it just as how Razernvens can....

       Ronald reached his destination thinking he had escaped, he went into the old house and straight he went into where he had chained Tessa, he held onto the door knob when his phone ranged it was Tessas mom, he quickly picked up the phone.... Inside the room Tessa had been trying to to get reach of the telephone but with no luck, she was really hungry because Ronald had starved her all day, luckily for her she tried one more time with little hope, and luckily she reached the telephone, she quickly dailed lincius mobile number, he picked up and he picked up in a second and I began to cry just then Ronald came into the room, thankfully the room was dark so Ronald didn't notice i was holding onto the telephone, so I quickly dropped the telephone and kept shut, on the other side lincius was listening to what we were saying, I asked why are you doing this to me, what have I done to deserve this, Ronald laughed and started to change form, he groaned and just then someone broke the door open, it was another creature from another world, Tessa was dumbfounded she couldn't believe her eyes, she saw the way the other creature punched Ronald and he fell onto the ground struggling for his life, the creature went closer to Tessa mad began to unchain her, his eyes were bloody red, she was in great fear and was shivering down to her spine, when he had finished unchaining her he began to change into human form wait was that lincius, he changed into human form and Tessa became more confused, she asked in horror what's happening, he didn't reply but instead he hugged her, when she kept on asking questions he kissed her on the lips, he said I love you Tessa, she didn't reply instead she ran out of the room, he followed her and held her hands, she turned and to her amazement she saw tears filled up his eyes, and then he began to speak is it because of what you saw earlier is that the reason why you hate me, he lowered his head and said I deserve it and turned to leave his eyes filled up with tears which were already dripping, he walked a few steps away from her, and then she turned and ran to him, she turned his face and slapped him that was the scene Ashley, Harley, Ezekiel, naemin and Razernvens had witnessed, Razernvens was about to speak when he saw something that shit down his entire system, behold it was Tessa who is now kissing Ronald, everyone was expecting the kiss to be quick but it took longer than expected, they were all jolted back to reality when Ashley started to clap with joy and the others also joined, Tessa and lincius finally parted she cupped his face and began to speak I've never hated you, you jerk, I've always loved you no matter what you're and they kissed again....