chapter 15: warning

I'm certain lincius is going to kill us all when he comes back, what should we do now? Everyone was very terrified by what was gonna happen later, the head of the search team ordered, look around the shore, make sure to find her before dawn, they all went into a search dance.

    After what seems like eternity nothing was found, there's no clue or any traces of her, they went back to report it to the search Commander and to their utter shock Razernvens and the other team had arrived, Ashley with tears in her eyes spoke (stammering) a..a.any good news, but no one could dare look up, Razernvens hugged her and whispered everything will be okay, alright? I just nodded and he turned to speak to them search the area, we must find Tessa before sunrise, but still sunrise came but there's no good news, they all went home to fresh up as some of the search team remained there still looking for her with little hope....

*Silver mansion*

Lincius was sitting on the couch in the balcony staring deep at the sky as if searching for some missing puzzle, you could tell that he's very Disturbed but what bothered him more was that he doesn't know what was missing in his almost perfect life, he was interrupted by the witchyqueen, she spoke my love it's already late why not we go to bed, he just complied without a single word and headed towards the bed, he laid down without a single care in the world leaving the Silver queen speechless, she stared at him for a while and he just turned revealing his back to her, she climbed on the bed and hugged him from behind and spoke is there any problem? (Lincius) hmph, c'mon you can tell me what's wrong? (Lincius (I)) I don't know, I just feel like  something big is missing from my life and I don't know what that is, the silver queen quickly understand that he was talking about Tessa, she smiled don't worry forget about everything I'm here for you and I'm the only one who looks perfect beside you, I replied and why did you say that? What's that suppose to mean huh? Nothing much just kidding, if you let me I want to sleep (I didn't mean it but just wanted to get rid of her) she held me even more and whispered good night my charming Prince and with that I just replied mhmmm and she slept of her last words only made things worst, it's like there's someone who used to call be with that name, but I didn't let that bother me much and I also drift off..

*Mrs. Linos mansion*

Mrs. Lino couldn't sleep for days since the disappearance of her one and only son, and the issue of Tessa was only making things worst, how can a mother do this to her own child? Is she even her own child? I shouldn't have become friends with such a cowardly woman, what a heartless woman, it was a dishonour meeting her, to clear up things in my mind I decided to take a cool shower and go shopping, and I did so when I arrived at the shopping mall, I felt as if all eyes were on me, as if everyone knows what's happening, I quickly got back in my car and drove off forgetting about the shopping idea..

~After 6 days~

*Zaids Arrival, at the black dark Awaiters*

Zaid arrived and was really Disturbed after hearing what had happened to his best friend he couldn't sleep one bit, he didn't know what to do and the commencement of the meeting is in few hours, he just sat there looking emotional down, he's changed and doesn't even know if weather to cry or sulk in silence, but whatever the case might be he has to be strong for the sake of his friends' well being, he didn't dare to make a stupid move so he had to calm down before the meeting commence....

When the meeting time had arrived Zaid came in as calm as possible, he sat down and tried so hard to keep his cool, so he won't explode out of anger, no one said a word as to no one knew what to say especially Qinn who was just sitting down as if he had a mental breakdown, everyone was so speechless, the place was in utter silence, after a long while Razernvens finally managed to try and speak but he also couldn't, Zaid finally stood up and said get prepared we are getting in a war with the silver queen to get lincius back and know the whereabouts of Tessa and the decision is finally, no one dared to decline or reject the command as it came from the one in charge, and they all did as they were asked, even though Zaid hadn't announced the time of the attack and even him wasn't sure if that was a great idea but for now he didn't have long to think because they've little or no time left....

Later that evening Zaid was sitting all alone when one of his minions came and send that an unknown person had sent this small note, Zaid said read it aloud the minion started; let me handle this, this is my fight, I'll bring back lincius and as for Tessa don't worry she's long gone... With that the minion kept quiet, Zaid asked is that all? He replied yes it is, and who did you say it was from? He replied I don't know, he/ she just break in after fighting the guards, WTH did you just say, someone came into the castle without getting caught and even delivered this safely seriously?! Alright whoever that might be I'll give him/her a chance we'll certainly I'll just jump to conclusions 'him a chance' and if he can't prove himself in the next seven days we move to action!!!!