Chapter 23 : Classmates (3)

Xie Jianyu sat cross-legged in front of Zhang Fengxi, his eyes closed in meditation.

Zhang Fengxi held his ink brush above the spotless paper, his mental state the exact opposite of Xie Jianyu's.

Just what was he supposed to write? The tale of his rebellion from his past life? His father was going to serve his head on a silver platter in front of the Heavenly Emperor!

The young man in front of him did not seem to be bothered by Zhang Fengxi's lack of progress. In fact, he was not even supervising his classmate as per the Grand Tutor's request!

Anyway, Zhang Fengxi was unable to concentrate when he was forced to sit upright in the pavilion and write under supervision. If he was supposed to spin out a grand lie to read out loud in front of the class tomorrow, then he should do it at home.

Zhang Fengxi quietly gathered his stuff, not without stealing glances at Xie Jianyu repeatedly. Once he had everything with him, he carefully rose to his feet and turned to leave.

"Halt," an authoritative voice spoke behind him.

Zhang Fengxi turned his head to look at Xie Jianyu, who was staring at him like the latter was a lowly thief.

"Have you finished your assignment?"

"I will do it at home," Zhang Fengxi quipped.

"The Grand Tutor asked me to watch over you. You must finish before you leave."

Zhang Fengxi grumbled under his breath. He then gave Xie Jianyu his most charming smile.

"The Crown Prince must be occupied with other more important tasks in the Golden Dragon Palace. Not to mention that you are also the reigning Fuxi Palace Master. Why don't you just let me leave? That way, we are both free to do what we want. Rest assured, the essay will be done by tomorrow."

"The Grand Tutor wanted you to write the essay here, in the Crystal Jade Pavilion."

Xie Jianyu narrowed his eyes at Zhang Fengxi. He was not willing to cooperate at all. "Please take a seat and continue with the assignment."


Zhang Fengxi plopped down on his seat and glared at Xie Jianyu. The latter did not even blink as he stared back at Zhang Fengxi.

Furiously, Zhang Fengxi took out his writing tools and drew an ugly dog on a piece of white paper. He purposefully added the dragon-shaped, golden crown that adorned Xie Jianyu's high ponytail hairstyle to mock the latter.

"I am done," Zhang Fengxi said with a roguish smile on his lips.

He held the drawing up with one hand and sneered, "How does it look like? Is it good?"

Xie Jianyu extended a hand to take the drawing from Zhang Fengxi. He calmly rolled it together and rose to his feet.

Stunned, Zhang Fengxi was practically frozen in place. It took him exactly five seconds before he shouted, "Hey! Give it back to me!"

Xie Jianyu eloquently avoided Zhang Fengxi's outstretched hand.

"I thought you were done," Xie Jianyu said. "I will go and hand this wonderful essay to the Grand Tutor."

Light as a piece of feather, Xie Jianyu stepped off the pavilion ground and headed toward the exit.


Zhang Fengxi too used his light foot skill to chase after Xie Jianyu.

Soon, the two young men were seen flying out of the Crystal Jade Pavilion.

Xie Jianyu was leading at the front, but Zhang Fengxi quickly caught up.

"Give it back to me!!!" Zhang Fengxi shouted.


"Don't be so childish!!!"

"I am just collecting your finished assignment. Tell your opinion to the Grand Tutor."

"Xie Jianyu!!!"

The two young men chased after each other. Their elegant movements were reflected on the Crystal Jade Pond's clear surface as they stepped off every object that they could use as temporary footing.

Zhang Fengxi was angry. This cheeky crown prince dared to make fun of him!

He wickedly kicked at Xie Jianyu's leg after a leap, trying to make him miss a footing. Xie Jianyu widened his eyes in surprise. He did not expect the sneak attack at all.

He slipped, and fell to the pond with Zhang Fengxi's drawing still clutched in his hand.

"Xie Jianyu!!!"

Zhang Fengxi dove into the pond after Xie Jianyu. He dragged the hacking and coughing crown prince to the edge of the pond. They offered a sad sight.

That was how the Empress and her entourage found them -- wet, messy, and sloppy as they made their way back to the Golden Dragon Palace.

"Oh, my," she pursed her lips in displeasure. "Fuxi Palace Master and Prince Zhang Fengxi, what kind of disgrace is this?"