Chapter 392 : The Spiritual Mountain Competition (1)

A round of infuriated growls went through the other demon kings.

"We have done our best," one of them said in a gruff voice.

"If only we can get rid of that annoying Zhang Fengxi," another groaned while smashing his fist on top of a boulder, effectively breaking it into several pieces.

"Spare me the tale of your incompetence," the First Demon King sighed. "Don't tell me that I have not given you all a chance to perform. It is my job to ensure that each palace is governed by an adequate demon king."

The demon kings exchanged nervous looks. Truthfully, they were all thinking about the same thing. The First Demon King himself failed to take over the Heavenly Realm five years ago, but he did not bother trying again.

Instead, he was busy egging on the other demon kings, forcing them to achieve what he failed to do.

How unfair.

How infuriating!

Also, how utterly shameless!