Chapter 479 : The Final War (2)

The veil between realms tore open with a soundless scream, a ghastly tear in the fabric separating the Human Realm from the desolate plains of the Demonic Realm. From the gaping wound poured a tide of ravenous entities -- gibbering ghosts, their forms a tattered mockery of their past lives, and hulking demons, their eyes burning with a cold, malevolent hunger.

Within the past three days, this unholy horde swept across the fertile plains like a monstrous locust swarm. Villages that had stood for generations, bastions of laughter and life, were reduced to smoldering pyres. The once vibrant fields lay silent, trampled by the passage of clawed feet and cloven hooves. The air itself reeked of sulfur and decay, a suffocating shroud that choked the living and emboldened the dead.