A Wallet

Positive activities can be filled with many things, especially if you are young and starting to earn money independently. Regardless of whether you already have enough savings from your family, learning to be independent is also very important. Any job opportunity that can generate income should not be missed. Even if the job is a waitress in a small cafe. Specifically, a small Cafe that is quite famous in West Grimoir, named Cafe Laevateinn.

"OH NO!!" shouted a tall guy who seemed to be a blend of European and Asian.

He barged into the door of the Cafe, leaving all the workers speechless and confused. Fortunately, there were no customers yet, considering it was still early and the Cafe was not yet open.

"What's up, manager?" answered a young barista guy leaning against his kitchen while observing in boredom.

"I can't find it! It's almost a week!"

This man took a blue wallet from his pocket and repeatedly read the address in the owner's personal data carefully.

"Only listed as Dewi Ijo Village number 58, East Grimoir. I can't find it with GPS."

"Dewi Ijo Village?"

They had been curious about the owner of the blue wallet who had not returned since Monday to look for his wallet. Since the manager was sure that the young man who dropped it was a customer who fell asleep in the alley next to the shop, he was convinced that the person would surely return to look for the wallet. That's why he immediately secured it. But after a few days passed, there was no sign that the wallet was being searched for.

"Have you tried asking people around the area?" one of the waitresses asked.

"I have. Most of them, like they know nothing, but sometimes when I mention the area... some of them freak out like that. They're afraid when they hear the name of the area I'm asking about. It's really weird."

"Well, personally I have never heard of Dewi Ijo village in this city".

"Neither do I"

Several people immediately looked at each other in confusion. If they were stuck like this, the only way was to hand it over to the police.

"Good morning..."

Once again, someone appeared and immediately entered the cafe. The girl wore a black knee-length skirt, a plain white t-shirt wrapped in a denim crop jacket.

"Hohoo, you finally came," said the manager excitedly.

"What's going on here? Why is everyone gathered at the front door?" asked Aidera, confused.

"It's about the wallet I texted you about yesterday."

"Oh? It hasn't been returned yet?"

After a moment, another person entered the Cafe following Aidera. Who else but the treasurer of the organization who seemed very close to her named Clara. She entered and stared blankly at everyone inside, especially for the men there except the shop manager.

"I give up, he still hasn't come here, and I can't find his address. I have to leave it to you, Because I'm sure this thing belongs to a Grimhour Institute student, just like you," said the manager as he handed over his wallet.

"Huft... alright, I'll help. But my fee will be double, okay?" Aidera chuckled softly.



Whether she liked it or not, she had to help her boss with this problem. She had received a Direct Message through social media regarding the lost wallet. But initially, Aidera didn't think this issue was that important. However, it turned out that the owner did not return to take his wallet, so she had to return it. After all, this belonged to a student on the same campus as her, and it would definitely be a piece of cake.

"But you are sure that this belongs to the Hourans, right?", Aidera tried to make sure.

"Yes, because his suit is exactly the same as yours".

Without hesitation, the girl took the blue wallet. She was surprised because the blue color on the wallet was not neat, it looked like it had been washed and bleached. But since the owner lost it, she couldn't imagine how careless this person was.


Aidera's hand trembled after opening the wallet to check who the owner was. An ID card, a student card, and a photo were inside. The face that appeared in several identities seemed familiar. A young man who had interacted briefly with her the day before yesterday. The student's name was clearly stated there, Zeyn Tendou Zaine.

The girl fell silent with a shocked expression. Her eyes stared back at the photo. Her head suddenly became dizzy, and her vision became blurred. A series of events started to haunt her like an old movie played backward. Her vision changed as her surroundings suddenly became a large corridor in a big house where many corpses lay and the noise was full of screams in various rooms. Then she saw him, the young man in this photo. He was standing on one of the human bodies and looking at her flatly. Those pair of red eyes...made her hair stand on end and terrified her.

Aidera was about to scream because her head was getting more and more dizzy until a tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

"Miss Ai, what happened?!", Clara asked.

Without realizing it, her face was already covered in cold sweat, and her body felt extremely tired.

"What... what happened?" Aidera murmured, confused.

"You suddenly zoned out and didn't hear any of our voices. What's wrong?"


She was still confused, and she found that both of her hands were still trembling, and the wallet was already dropped. She didn't understand what had happened. But whatever it was, she felt like she had made people around her worried. Maybe this was the effect of fatigue because she hadn't rested since yesterday and had always been busy with organizational matters.

Trying to be sensitive because she felt something was off, Clara suddenly wanted to make a unilateral decision.

"Mr. Robert, it seems that Miss Ai is feeling unwell. Maybe we will -"

"I'm okay," Aidera replied lightly.

She took a deep breath and tried to relax. She had arrived at work and couldn't let her personal problems affect her productivity. She calmly took the wallet she had earlier and tried to cheer up, then went into the employee room to change her clothes.

"A waitress shouldn't look sad, right? Isn't that what you taught me, manager?"

"A'aa, are you sure? If there's no problem, then okay, let's prepare because the store will open soon", Robert said.

"Yes, sir," said Aidera firmly.

* * *

Who said working at a cafe was an easy job? Especially when the job demands oneself to be "fake" because for a waitress, always looking charming and smiling to serve customers is an obligation. It doesn't matter if she is experiencing turmoil or sadness that hits her heart.


That's what Aidera is currently experiencing today. Since arriving at work, her head has been pounding. She was also thinking about presenting papers for three different courses tomorrow. Customers are also very booming because it is the weekend.

"Maybe you should take a break," Clara whispered, patting her shoulder.

"I am on a break now."

Being a close friend and personal companion to Aidera since childhood made Clara very sensitive to her condition. These things usually happen, but her advice is always rejected because she knows her friend... or rather her employer is quite naive.

"Being a waitress, for someone who should be served, is the biggest insult to this place."

"Oh come on, you can't say that. Didn't I tell you not to treat me like a princess in public?"

"I... even though you said so, I... can't... because it's my duty."

Clara became sad and wanted to apologize for her carelessness. Meanwhile, Aidera was confused and just patted her head because this kind of incident often happened, not only at work or campus, but even in public places. She just didn't like it if other people knew who she really was.

"Well, then take this."

Aidera handed over the blue wallet that had previously been given by her boss as a request for help to return it to its owner.

"As an apology, it's better if you help me return this item on Monday. This shouldn't be a difficult thing, right?"

"Hooo!!! I understand, Miss Ai! I'll find this person when I get home, even to the ends of the earth! You can count on me."

Clara looked fiery as she took the wallet.

"Okay, okay, don't be too excited. Now we have to get back to work."

After that, Clara ran out and wanted to get back to work immediately because she had been ordered to, leaving Aidera alone inside.

After her friend left, her sparkling mood suddenly looked for a wireless earphone that she had kept in her bag. She wanted to listen to music to calm her mind for a moment. She also updated her social media with various captions. Of course, it wouldn't be complete if she didn't take photos to be uploaded. Don't forget to use hashtags:

#tired #lazy #vibing #relaxed #healing

* * * *