The Seekers

In the afternoon, an eerie atmosphere can often be felt in a haunted village. The cold and silent air makes the surroundings even more creepy. The old trees swaying in the wind and the sounds of nocturnal animals roaming around create a mystical and mysterious aura for anyone passing through. As the sunlight fades away, dark shadows become more visible along the road. However, behind the spookiness and fear that is felt, there is also a beauty that radiates from the natural and authentic charm of the scenery.

"How is it possible? The GPS address led us here, didn't it?"

"Umm... aah..."

When someone asks for directions, usually people who know the location will help each other by giving directions to the destination. This is normal behavior for most people. However, if the location in question is considered taboo or sensitive, some people may choose not to talk about it. The villagers were still confused about the arrival of a stranger who was asking for something that they should have been able to answer. People were still confused about whether to answer the question or remain silent.

"Come on, boy, you must know the location of Vasukih Forest, right?"

"Umm... well..."

"What do you need to find that place for?" asked one of the villagers who dared to join the conversation.

There are two foreign men asking for the location of a forest. Both of them are adults, around 40 to 45 years old. They are asking a local boy who is a resident of Dewi Ijo Village.

"As for the purpose, I can't tell you,"One of the foreign men replied.

"Please tell us first what your need is for coming here," one of the villagers said.

"That's right! You can't just come to this place without a good reason."

"Please tell us the reason for your visit first."

Several villagers were present at the scene, as if they wanted to prevent the two men from going any further. However, they couldn't just drive them away without appearing rude.

"Tsk! From earlier these people didn't want to be straightforward. Sorry, if you don't know just say no. If so, then help us find the place!"

"It's not that simple," someone cut in from a distance.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, where the young man with red eyes was standing. He was still wearing a black and white uniform, walking from the direction of the village gate. It seemed that he had just returned from college.

"Who are you?" one of the foreign men asked.

Unlike the two foreigners, the villagers who saw Zeyn's arrival immediately rushed to flee and went into their own homes. Without any hesitation, everyone ran away from the scene as if they wanted to avoid any trouble. The child who was talking with the foreigner was even pulled away by his parents to quickly move away and go home. Of course, the behavior of the people around them confused the two foreigners.

"What do you need to find in Vasukih Forest?" Zeyn asked again.

"Hey kid, what do you know? If you know something, it's better to tell us!"

Unlike his companion, one of the foreigners seemed to understand that Zeyn was not an ordinary human. He restrained his friend from speaking further.

"Excuse me, we're looking for Vasukih forest for our own purposes. Do you know its location?"

"Whether I know or not... I may give you an answer once I've heard your reasons."

The two men looked at each other. What can they do? Since they arrived here, they have been asked with essentially the same question.

"We just want to make sure if it's true that praying at the shrine of Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Wijareni Belani Putri can improve our fortunes. If so, we may come to an agreement."

Like being struck by lightning, Zeyn's expression changed to one of surprise. Not only did the person dare to mention his sister's full name, but he also admitted that he intended to make a deal to increase his wealth. In other words, a dark pact.

Besides, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Wijareni Bellani Putri is a name that is sacred to the villagers. some people didn't even dare to mention it. A figure of a ruler who is so respected, worshiped, and adored. She is the queen of the forest Vasukih, where her name itself is already the title of an ancient ruler.

"Fortunes? Agreement? Why..."

"I am involved in a debt from an online loan. It's exhausting to keep digging myself out of it for years. I have tried every way, but still failed. So, if there is another alternative, I might consider it."

"As for myself, it's because I want to improve my business. I haven't made any profit since last month. After asking fellow business owners, I realized that I need to use some dark magic to my business. So, that's it."

With their eyes wide open and ears pricked up, some villagers who were still observing their conversation from behind the windows became frightened. This was not the first time that someone had come with such intentions. Indeed, searching for something in the forest near their village was very effective. However, there were also many people from different backgrounds who came with various intentions such as dark magic, spiritual knowledge, heirlooms, charisma boosters, searching for spirits, and so on.

The villagers should have been accustomed to the intentions of strangers who came with specific purposes. However, every time a stranger arrived with strange intentions, it seemed that the condition of the village became unsettled.

"Leave!... If you think that human life can be a little more meaningful, then you wouldn't think that far."

The two men squint their eyes at Zeyn's answer.

"Huh? What do you mean, kid? Just tell us where we should go."

"If you're not ready to make a deal with the devil, then you better go home. Trust me, not everything that sounds like good intentions doesn't end well."

"What?! What does a kid like you know..."


One of his companions quickly restrained him from taking further action. Just like before, he chose to stay calm rather than creating trouble.

"But we will be prepared for the consequences. Please tell us where the Vasukih Forest is!" the man asked firmly.

"... ... Go home! And don't think about coming to this place again."

Actually, Zeyn could have answered the question, but he chose to remain silent. With disappointed steps, he walked away, leaving the two people behind, even though they might chatter aimlessly after this. Sometimes choosing to remain silent is the right path, and Zeyn learned that from Julius. Not everything he knows needs to be conveyed to others, especially if it brings more harm than good.

Humans are inherently weak when it comes to their desires. Their high level of thinking compared to other creatures of God, often makes them forgetful. Sometimes, the problems in life become the root cause. People tend to look for quick-fix alternatives rather than traditional methods of problem solving. Ordinary people run to the supernatural because it seems easy.

If those people understood the consequences, perhaps they would think a thousand times before doing it. And unfortunately, Zeyn knew that the supernatural, which is intangible, is often underestimated. Even though he had warned them about its dangers, ordinary people tend to act foolishly towards things they don't know and consider them easy.

'Uh ohh~ You are being stubborn again...'

A familiar woman's voice echoed from the sky. When he opened his eyes, Zeyn realized that he was no longer in the village area. Panic immediately set in as he saw that he was in the forest, with a bloody sky and eerie atmosphere. It didn't take long for him to realize that he was pulled into the supernatural realm by something, depending on which layer he was currently in.

A vine plant suddenly wrapped around his leg and pulled him backwards.


His surprise vanished as he saw where he was being dragged. A giant cave, where in the darkness a pair of reptilian pupils stared at him unhappily. Eventually, the young man gave in and was dragged into the cave, which wasn't too far away. With a mischievous smile and a flick of her fingers, a woman led him into a room, which turned out to be Zeyn's own home.

From the darkness emerged a woman who appeared to be around the same age. One could say that she was half-human, half-serpent, as her lower body was a large, glossy black snake. She was adorned with ancient royal jewelry, which adorned her glamorous figure. Her face was beautiful, not any less beautiful than that of her own sister, who was a white serpent.

Her long black hair was styled in twintails. However, unlike the ruler of Vasukih forest, she was wearing an open black cheongsam-like dress that showed off her cleavage without hesitation.

"Sister Ayu?"

'By the way,'

The woman said as she carefully turned him around, examining him from top to bottom with a hungry look on her face, unable to contain her tongue from sticking out.

'It seems that you've grown up... sshhzzh~ not only do you look mature, but your personality has also changed a bit since the last time we met...'

She hugged Zeyn from behind and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Stop it! This is something that siblings shouldn't do!"

'I never thought we would meet under these circumstances.'

* * * *