
The dark night sky enveloped the spacious room, only illuminated by the flickering glow of several beautifully displayed candles on the center table. The air felt cool, gently flowing through the open window, carrying the whisper of the night breeze that added to the mysterious ambiance. In this silent room, with nine chairs encircling a magnificent wooden table, the candlelight cast serious shadows upon their faces. These three individuals, each with their own backgrounds, gathered tonight to discuss an unexpected thing.

"What is this? It seems like these people are always reluctant whenever asked to gather," remarked one person.

"Don't be too surprised, Lord Five. The truth is, none of us are officially part of the company," replied another.

A person wearing the number three immediately removed their mask and approached. They were the eldest figure in this assembly, with eyes as red as blood.

"Do we still have to use codenames like that?"

"What do you mean?"