Red-Eyed Enigma

Clara and Aidera found themselves in a moment fraught with tension, where a secret seemed to loom, waiting to be unveiled. Despite their tightly held hands, there was an underlying uncertainty that gripped them both. Each glance, every word, carried a weight deeper than what appeared on the surface. With a solemn expression, Clara beckoned her employer to step away from the previous scene, igniting a spark of curiosity in Aidera's mind that grew more intense.

"Clara! What is it, really? Why the sudden seriousness?" Aidera challenged her maid's persistence with a sharp question that reflected both frustration and bewilderment. With escalating annoyance, she finally released Clara's hand with a rough tug. Her eyes, filled with dissatisfaction, bore into the girl before her, who appeared visibly anxious.

"What does all of this mean!?" Aidera exclaimed with a raised voice. "We finally find Zeyn, and you just lead me away like that? What's really going on?"