Impact of the Flashes

Aidera stepped outside, her emotions in turmoil. The ferocious thunderstorm raging outside seemed inconsequential to her at that moment. Following a fierce altercation with her personal maid, she found herself striding down the open corridor of Building B. The sun, which usually bathed the corridor in its warm glow, was obscured today by a veil of overcast clouds that seemed to mirror the turmoil within her. Rows of expansive glass windows along the right side of the corridor adorned the walls with a muted glow. Raindrops danced in harmony with tears that threatened to escape her eyelids, their rhythms intertwined. The rain bore witness, a silent spectator to Aidera's heartache, as she grappled with the relentless question of why this conflict had erupted, haunting her thoughts like thunder resounding across the sky.