Painful Consequence Pt2

The night wind brought a sharp sea scent to the AMER headquarters, creating a tense atmosphere in the control room. Lisa, the leader of the Hunter Division team, observed the monitor screen filled with strange data that had just been received. The concentration of energy above Grimoir City was the main focus. The mysterious storm phenomenon that damaged and dazzled the city's ceilings, lightning that struck each other and bounced off abnormally, all seemed so unreasonable.

Lisa faced herself to the people sitting around the central control room. "This can't be just a natural storm. How can no one explain to me what just happened?" 

"We don't know! There is no information at all if there is indeed a research trial on AMER being conducted!" said one of the researchers.

"I'm sure this is the work of a mysterious entity, but whether it's caused by an esper or perhaps by astral creatures, or maybe both, we don't understand yet," added another.