The Deity

The gentle breeze rustled through the towering structure, considered sacred, creating a soft whisper among the leaves of the grand trees scattered throughout the complex. At first glance, the building appeared as a modern temple, exquisitely carved from sparkling white marble. 

The renowned CEO, Chana Mehra, strode confidently amidst the lush row of trees, heading towards the grand gate that led to the edifice. He was accompanied by several loyal guards, one of whom wore a number three mask, and another, a slightly older man with an impassive face.

As they approached the gate, Mr. Chana paused for a moment, gazing at the building with admiration. It was a perfect blend of modern architecture and majestic classical elements. The marble pillars stood strong, creating an impression of strength and grandeur.

"Be cautious, Mr. Chana. There's no guarantee that we can protect you from these people," one of the guards asked with concern.