Disoriented Memory

"Hmm~ hmm~ hmm..."

In the police division, there was undoubtedly a section dedicated to investigative tasks. They worked to gather enough information to determine if a crime had occurred, and to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. Although the morning brought brightness, for a detective, there was an uncertainty lingering in the air, considering that every corner could hold threatening secrets. Each case could lead them toward unexpected danger.

"Hmm... hm hmm~" In the coldness of the room, the voice of a girl continued to murmur as if singing a song.

Accompanied by two detectives visiting the house today, Azalea then proceeded to make three teas for them to drink together. Strangely, she didn't fill two other cups but took care of her own. Perhaps she felt no need to offer drinks to the two men now sitting in front of her.