Imaginary Relativity

"Good morning, Professor."

The nickname 'Professor' was just a code name since he joined the research team at AMER Corporation. Nevertheless, the man whose name remained a mystery seemed to relish such a title. It was as if this nickname had been a childhood dream he never wanted to let go of.

"Good morning to you too. Hmm, looks like you're still struggling. But it's okay; I can see the progress with my own eyes," said the scientist.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"Tell me, Lisa. What do you feel right now?"

The man moved closer, attentively observing Lisa from head to toe. In truth, she wanted to throw a punch at the person next to her if not for the constraints of protocol. Regardless, this person was indirectly responsible for turning her into an experimental subject.

"Same as before. Just regular fatigue," Lisa replied nonchalantly.

"Are you sure that's all?"
