Remaining Reality

Inside the sterile white confines of the hospital room, a palpable blend of tension and monotony permeated the air. The treatment area buzzed with the symphony of machines monitoring vital signs, reflecting the meticulous care devoted to each heartbeat and breath. On a couch, the patient's mother sat with a heart tight with anxiety, hoping her son would soon recover from the unfortunate incident that befell him.

Five friends, no strangers to the patient as they were classmates, exchanged puzzled, weary glances as they lounged around the patient's bed. "Why are we in a place like this?" Damian queried, tapping his forehead.

"I don't know, we were supposed to come here to visit Zeyn again. But who knew he'd already be okay," replied another.

"And then? Why is this blonde guy the one lying down now?" Andre responded flatly.