Harmony of Souls

Time always brings unforeseen surprises, unveiling layers of unimaginable futures. Just as the confusion in the present era, where reality surpasses the bounds of imagination. For the young man with crimson eyes, the current events transformed into an unexpected surprise. He never envisioned himself at this point, never once suspected that he would be here, beside a girl whose name echoed throughout the campus. The warm touch within the embrace was never imagined before. His mind never entertained the thought that he would be in such a luxurious place like this private room, atop the gleaming penthouse.

At present, Zeyn's mind remained alert, striving hard to maintain a neutral stance. Though he was a man, the experience he was undergoing was something entirely new to him. He still felt that he shouldn't be in this position, or even accept the role he was currently fulfilling. The feeling of bashfulness continued to haunt him, even though they both were already on the bed.