Playing Hierarchy 

For nearly two hours, the interrogation had dragged on, even frustrating the person who had initiated the idea. A slick-haired blond young man tapped his fingers on the table out of sheer boredom. He had been watching everything through surveillance cameras, hoping for the outcome he desired.

"Who would've thought he'd be this persistent? I've wasted my time just waiting for him to slip up," Dellon muttered with a scornful look.

"No matter what, he's someone who has dealt with situations like this before. He surely knows how to handle himself properly," a girl behind him responded.

"Tsk! So annoying. If only I could throw him in jail without all this drama."

"Whatever you say. This is your game."

"Huff! Maybe I need to corner him personally. I'll be right back."

"You... seem very confident in every step you take."