Chamenopolis (III)

I will become strong enough, strong enough for people not to just stop looking down on me but also l will be looked up to and respected by my people and the other races, I will be strong … as strong as that man, as strong as Zagreus.

That is what I thought to myself when I arrived to Chamenopolis, I overestimated myself, thinking I would one of the strongest in this new world was nothing but a childish dream of mine, and Brook just abandoned me in the middle of my fantasies.

[I won't be available in a while, I will be completing my synchronization with this world, in that time, try to learn something useful]

Like an innocent maiden in love, I believed in him, waited for him and started learning what he told me to,

[first you need to develop your stamina, you won't be able to do anything with that stamina of yours, you have to be able to run a marathon with high speed, build some muscle mass by lifting weight, and eat meat like a lot of it]

[second learn some survival skills, like building fire, making weapons, hunting, etc and take a general idea about this world situation, ecosystem, politics, economy, etc]

[learn some basic wushu and aikido too!]

Martial arts? Will it stop bullets,

[there are no bullets in this world?]

[the moment you try to reload your weapon a two-stars blessed would have speed blitzed you, what will your honest humble reaction be when you will see someone can turn the world upside down teleports in front of you and slice you with his scythe that can negate your soul from existence, from reality itself, nobody will remember you.]

even the girls I impressed in elementary by my speed?

[sorry to say it but...yes]

No no no no no no no no no no no nooooOooOOOoOOo, don't f--k with me, no way i trained so hard the day before to impress them, that was the only moment of my life I was popular.

[well then, if you get it, I will be going…]

[Hasta lavista!]




Ah I'm back to my loneliness, the murmurs and the whispers of those who were disrespecting me were covered before by the sound of Brook in my head, and how much time do I have to ignore those bastards.

"Everyone, you have arrived to your destination, you can get off now" jabbered the drivers.

"Thank you, sir, by the way we didn't get to know your name…"

"Ah it's…" Extolled the driver with a happy smile, until he noticed my hands that were blank with no stars, his expression did a 180 degree. I can guess what he was thinking. Something along the lines of what a side antagonist would say.

'Hah? So, you're that cursed bastard…' or 'I don't need my name to be known by a trash' or 'how can such a handsome a guy exi-'

Probably the latter is impossible.

"Just get off the car, they will explain everything to you in your residence" elaborated calmly, I was expecting a cold shoulder or an insult but he just tapped on my shoulder and pushed me aside.

Then we stood on a long line in front of a hotel or an inn whatever it is, it was a huge building with many rooms, but the line on the other side was to a far better residence, they were even given chairs to rest, same goes for the other one, we were discriminated by our levels, well I was ready for this from the moment we were seated differently, Liam and Ruby revolted against this but 'Bob' told them that these are procedures and we shouldn't interfere, then he gave me a goofy wink, I can't understand if he is reassuring me or just angering me on purpose…

I stood in that line for like three hours straight, I had to sit in meditation manner between every turn, and again I had to bear the not so nice words from the group in front of me. Can't you at least think of the superior blessed ones look at you.

As I approached the reception desk, the elegant woman with emerald green hair glanced up from her paperwork and fixed her gaze on me with her sharp, golden eyes. Her scrutiny was so intense that I felt as though she was examining every inch of my body and face.

Her expression remained stern and unyielding as she continued to study me, taking note of even the smallest details. I straightened my posture and tried to make myself look as presentable as possible, hoping to make a good impression on this intimidating figure.

As she finished inspecting me, the receptionist returned to her typewriter, which turned out to be an old-fashioned mechanical model. I couldn't help but notice her hands as it became a new habit I acquired today, a double-star…

"Name?" the draconic woman perturbed my thought asking for my name to fill some files about my information.

"G-Gustang Lijk" I probably used my life span to talk to this intimidating lady, her gaze with those golden eyes made it hard for me to breath not just to spell my name…

"Done!" she finished typing, she then took a blank card from the drawer next to her, held it in her hand facing the typewriter and started saying some weird words. She was probably casting a spell in some other language, a light emitted from both the card and the paper where my personal information was in, I saw letters clipping from the filled paper, flying in the air until they landed on the blank card that became more like an ID card now.

"Wow! That was amazing, the way the letter jump smoothly to the blank card in such harmony ... was simply the most beautiful thing I have ever seen…"

"Uh… what are talking about? What letters?"

Huh? What letters? Isn't she the one that cast that spell? It's either I'm so tired that I started seeing things or she doing that on purpose, maybe nobody is supposed to share his abilities details with anyone.

"No-nothing, I'm just so tired that I started seeing things, my bad"

"…No worries you can take a rest in your room, here is your identity card, it is as important to you as your ID in the old world"

So, its role is to get you in prison…huh

"Thank you, miss…uhm…" I noticed her desk name plate her name is.

"Miss Clara Asteria, what a gorgeous name!"






kaaagh wtf did I just say, the heck? I'd better just kill myself right now.

"W-wait how did y-" wait, I'm the one supposed to be flustered, damn am I that good looking? if Brook was here now, he would have dropped my self-esteem to the abyss...…my first achievement in life is that I made a beautiful lady stutter in my presence,

But why am I running from embarrassment?

Because I should be! I was already at the 2nd floor running up the stairs…

Wait, I don't know where is my room, I should have asked her.

As I made my way back to the reception hall, I noticed that the receptionist had resumed her work, arranged files and filling out paperwork with a practiced ease. She seemed much more composed than before, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her professionalism and attention to detail.

For a moment, I simply stood and watched her work, marvelling at the precision and care

with which she approached each task. It was clear that she took her job very seriously, and that's something to be admired for … Clara Asteria … indeed what a beautiful name.






I opened the door to my room that was in the 12th floor, to my surprise the room was actually beautiful, a three hundred square feet, a bed, a clean floor, an oven at the corner, and a full bathroom, oh…the bathroom is cleaner than my heart, well guess what, I'm holding it forever.

The windows overlooking this part of Chamenopolis on the borders of the draconic human's district, on the other side their uncompleted projects of buildings that will soon become the human district… I remembered what I said to Miss Clara the receptionist earlier…

Maybe I should just jump out the window for good, or maybe not, I checked on the room carefully under the bed, inside the oven under the bathroom, but I found nothing, and I'm not hungry at all, so there is no reason to search for food right now.

I jumped into the bed, it was even better than the one at my appartement…I wonder how they are doing right now Liam, Ruby… dammit, they are probably living each in his own suite, served by cat-girls or whatever, am I jealous you say? Hmm…I don't think so, I am just lonely if only that motherf----er Brook was here insulting my existence or explaining history of this world, not just loneliness but also the fear of tomorrow, yeah, an unknown tomorrow I never feared a new day before "congratulation me, you have unlocked a new achievement"

A took a paper and a pen from my suitcase and wrote my plan for tomorrow, Brook is doing his part so I also should do my part.

"'Yawn' I am tired as hell, wait does hell get tired? well whatever the f--k is the answer, I will probably know it tomorrow…" ….

[The Guardian of reality is explaining your 'bad' joke to Nova…]