Amasius Twins

The children appeared to be in shock, but gradually seemed to accept the reality of their situation.

The twins, however, had different reactions. The older twin held his younger sibling in a tight embrace while Zagreus himself held them both. Surprisingly, even Zagreus was tearing up, although it was barely noticeable. Had it not been for my enhanced vision, I might not have noticed at all.

As I made my way through the crowd, I first approached the mystical healer and the group who had been guarding them, expressing my gratitude towards them.

Then, with a heavy heart, I slowly approached the children, unsure of how to break the news of their mother's passing and how I would take care of them.

"Would you take a look at who just arrived? It's Gustang, the person I mentioned earlier!"

When Zagreus mentioned my name and pointed me out to the children, I noticed confusion and crisis in their eyes, as if they were unsure of how to meet my gaze.

I slowly approached the twin boys, who were huddled together in a corner, their eyes red and puffy from crying. They looked so fragile and scared, and I felt hesitant and scared myself, unsure of how to confront them. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my palms were sweaty.

As I stood there, watching the boys, I noticed that they seemed disgusted and angry, almost more than they were sad. It was difficult for me to accept this, because they reminded me so much of my younger self. I had been the sole survivor of a train accident, and my parents had died. I had to deal with the hatred of the families of the deceased, who wished for me to die. The memory of that crisis still haunted me to this day.

I knew I had promised their mother that I would take care of them, but now I didn't know where to start. My mind was racing, trying to come up with the right words to say, the right things to do. But everything I thought of seemed inadequate.

The crisis I felt was overwhelming. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to help these boys, that I would fail them just as I had failed myself. I was afraid of their anger and their pain. But most of all, I was afraid of my own inadequacy.

Zagreus stood up from his place and approached us, leaving the children behind. They looked more confused than ever.

He leaned in close and whispered into my ear, his voice barely above a whisper, "Take it slowly, kid. I dealt with most of the problem for you. All you need to do is introduce yourself and have a small conversation with them."

I nodded in understanding, still feeling a bit anxious about the situation. Zagreus passed by me without another word, unfurling his wings as he took off towards the Vampire's district.

Taking a deep breath, I approached the boys, trying to push my own doubts and fears aside. Kneeling down to their level, I spoke softly. "Hey guys," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I know this is a really hard time for you both. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. But… can we have a conversation"

As I saw the twins nod in response, I turned to Ruby who had been standing beside me and gave her a small nod, signaling that she could leave.

With a deep breath, I took a step closer to the boys and cleared my throat to speak.

"I'm Gustang,"

"I promised your mother that I would take care of you both, and I intend to keep that promise," I said to the two boys, trying to sound confident despite feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. They looked back at me with confused and scared expressions, making me feel like I was already failing them.

The older twin spoke up with a trembling voice, "Why did our mother have to die? It's not fair." My heart sank as I struggled to find the right words to comfort them.

"Life is not fair, unfortunately, for everyone. However, what I can see now is that you are here, safe and alive, and that's what your mother would have wanted," I replied, hoping to alleviate some of their pain.

The boys' eyes filled with tears, but instead of crying, the younger twin asked, "Can we stay with you?" His voice was barely above a whisper, and I was taken aback by this unexpected development.

I knew in that moment that I would become their guardian. "Of course, you can stay with me as long as you need to," I said with a smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

The boys smiled weakly, and I felt grateful for their understanding and mature behavior. As I looked at them, I realized that maybe I wasn't as inadequate as I had thought. Perhaps I could help these boys, just like Zagreus…





On that eventful day, I met up with Ruby, Liam, and Clara in the vampire's district, which fortunately remained undamaged. We were informed that we would be staying there for three days before moving to the human's district on Friday.

The reason for the minimal damage and the annihilation of the Thurars was attributed to Zagreus, the strongest incarnation known in Chamenopolis. Reports from witnesses all over the city described how Zagreus stood in the sky with his four wings and flipped them before unleashing a barrage of divine spears, eradicating the Thurars.

Zagreus' display of power earned him the title "Guardian of Humanity," and his feat was recognized by every person in Chamenopolis far and wide.

"That's wonderful, but I'm curious, whose kids are these?" Liam inquired, gesturing towards the twins Henry and Edward who were currently eating next to me. They had lost consciousness earlier and were still in the process of recovering. With little time to prepare food for them, I suggested that we all go to a restaurant instead.

Just to clarify, Henry is the elder of the twins and has brown hair and red eyes, but his distinguishing feature is that he has one blue eye.

He has a tender and strong personality. In contrast, Edward also has brown hair and red eyes but possesses a more fragile yet cunning personality.

[Did you know that you helped save some of the strongest individuals in Chamenopolis?]

Yes, I noticed that these children have two stars engraved in their hands. However, after further examination conducted by Brook, it was discovered that they actually have four stars. The other two stars were previously hidden by blood and flesh, giving the appearance of normal skin. These children are classified as legendary class blessed and possess an imaginary element, making them some of the strongest individuals in Chamenopolis.

I replied to Liam's question with a hint of sarcasm, "Of course, can't you see my adorable kids?" I was about to introduce them as Henry Lijk and Edward Lijk when they interrupted me by introducing themselves as Henry Amasius and Edward Amasius.

They were enthusiastically stuffing chicken thighs into their mouths while I reminded them, "No, no, no, eat slowly!" I then wiped their mouths with a napkin.

Clara asked me with concern, whispering into my ear "Are you planning to take care of them yourself or are you searching for a family to take them in?" Her own experience of being in a similar situation made her empathetic towards the children's plight.

In a whisper, I replied back to Clara, "To be honest, I don't really like taking on responsibilities, but I made a promise to their mother." As I spoke, I felt the children twitching as if they had overheard us. However, they quickly shifted their attention to my advice on eating slowly to avoid a stroke.

I was about to explain the type of blessing I awakened when the restaurant door swung open, and someone entered in a cowboy style. The person made their way to the bartender and ordered a cup of warmed milk. Can you guess who it was? None other than Zagreus, the strongest person in Chamenopolis.

As soon as people recognized Zagreus, murmurs and whispers filled the restaurant. "Oh, it's Sir Bob," one person said. "Isn't he hot?" another whispered. Even a man chimed in, "Please adopt me." It was clear that this legendary figure became popular.

"Oh, how are you, Evan? How is your leg?" asked Zagreus to an old man who was drinking next to him. The old man replied, "It's better, Sir Bob. Thanks to your healing potion." Zagreus replied, "No worries, Evan. You are the best bee farmer in Chamenopolis. I can't have a good day without your honey spread on a bread of Miss Angelica."

Suddenly, a man screamed from the corner, "How come you can recognize us? We're nobodies to you." To which Zagreus replied, "Shut the f--k up, Cole. If I catch you spitting on the ground again, I'll breathe you out of existence." Despite the interruption, the conversation continued, and Zagreus recognized every person in the restaurant. He had a remarkable memory for faces and names.

Zagreus remembered…