A fated meeting

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. At first, I thought it was just the darkness of sleep, but the more I tried to move, the more I felt as though I was being weighed down by an impossibly heavy blanket. Panic began to set in as I realized that I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't even feel my own body.

A deep sense of dread filled me as I realized that I must be dead. The thought of my loved ones, my dreams, my aspirations...all gone in an instant, filled me with a deep sense of sorrow. I felt as though I was falling, falling into an endless abyss, with no hope of escape.

As I continued to fall, a feeling of warmth surrounded me, as if I was being wrapped in a comforting embrace. It was then that I heard a beautiful woman's voice. Her voice was soft, yet powerful, and it echoed in my mind like a gentle breeze.