As the miniature black hole formed, I observed something peculiar. The surrounding buildings were being devoured by its immense gravitational pull, and the space itself seemed to distort. Belphegor attempted to shield the black hole with a healthy tentacle, trying to counteract the gravitational force. However, to my surprise, Chamenopolis remained unaffected. It was as if the city itself was anchored by a reality anchor, impervious to the forces at play.
"Nothing shakes Chamenopolis. It is anchored by a reality anchor, just like you, Liam," Gustang answered my unspoken question. The concept of reality anchors intrigued me, and I couldn't help but inquire further.
"Where did you acquire this knowledge? What's your source?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Uh, it's a long story, and I'll try to ignore your cheesy comment," Gustang replied, hinting at a deeper backstory. It seemed he had his reasons for keeping certain information to himself.