Distant Visitor - part two

The next morning, Eve woke up alone in the room with the sun peering through the white curtains covering the windows. She had fallen asleep at the desk where she was reading last night, but she had woken up on the bed, which meant Sebastian was there last night. She felt lightheaded as she stood up and entered the bathroom.

In the King's study room, Sebastian peered through the case files that were handed to him by Azarael. The minister sat in front of him, watching him when the door was knocked on and pushed open before Sebastian could speak. They both looked towards the door to see Eve and Azarael bowed in greeting.

"Good morning," Eve replied and turned to Sebastian, "I didn't know you were busy, I'll come back later," she said and turned to go, but Sebastian stopped her.

"Wait, I'm not busy," he said and dropped the file on the table, pushing it towards Azarael.