Chapter thirteen:
Lando Calrissian and Jaina Solo had went home after the accident. While Cale Lestin and Rey went to Asoka Tano's home. "So what's your name?" Said Asoka Tano. "I told you it's Rey." Said Rey.
"No I mean your surname." Replied Asoka Tano.
"Oh, I don't have one." Said Rey.
"Well Rey and Cale, y'all came here to learn more about Anakin Skywalker didn't y'all." Said Asoka Tano.
"Yes, ma'am." Replied Cale Lestin. Asoka Tano put her hand on her chin and started to think. "Anakin was my Master. Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi found him on Tatooine. They brought him back with them because they thought he might be the Chosen One." Said Asoka Tano.
"The Chose One?" Asked Cale Lestin. "Yes, the Chosen One prophesied to bring balance to the Force and destroy the Sith. Although now it seems that we misread it. The first time I started to notice Anakin's change was after the battle of Geonosis. I thought nothing of it at the time. All Jedis have doubts and feel stress when they are still Padawan's. If Anakin had only told me about his wife and the problems he was having. I could have helped him. I could have done more." Said Asoka Tano.
"Anakin had a wife?" Asked Rey.
"Yes, her name was Padme. I think it was one of the reasons why he turned. He was so intent on trying to save her that he would have done anything." Asoka Tano put her head in her hands. Her words were still a bit muffled. "I failed him. I wasn't ready to be trained by someone like him. I still remember him burning on the lava of Mustafar. Saying how he hated Obi-Wan and the way he looked at him. I thought the man as a brother and tried to help him the way a sister would. Maybe if I only tried more to save him. Maybe... Said Asoka Tano.
"Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't your fault. We have been seeing visions of Anakin's past is there any other planet that you can think of that we could go to next." Said Rey.
"Try Naboo that was where he and Padme probably got married. But be careful because I know that Emperor Palpatine will not let something that he wants get away that easily. You guys can stay here until nightfall and then go back to the Millennium Falcon." Said Asoka Tano.
"Thank you ma'am." Said Cale Lestin. That night Cale Lestin and Rey got into the cockpit and prepared to blast off. Asoka Tano spoke to Cale and Rey telepathically before they went out of orbit. "Do not fully give in to the darkness like Anakin did I can sense good in you guys. And Rey and Cale may the Force be with you." Rey smiled and said. "May the Force be with you too old woman." They then jumped into hyperspace.
Unknown to Cale and Rey, Boba Fett was on a dark side of the moon watching them jump into hyperspace. "The only planet in that direction is Naboo." Said Boba Fett. Boba Fett hit the switch and the stars turned into streams of light as he left Tatooine for Naboo.
Meanwhile Kylo Ren looked into the files about Rey's family. Kylo Ren came to the file about her father. He looked at the medical records and saw something that puzzled him. "It says here that he was sterile." He said to himself. It was possible that the wife had cheated, but Kylo Ren didn't think so from the way her records looked. She was to clean to do anything like that.
"What are you Rey?" Kylo Ren thought to himself.
Cale Lestin and Rey was walking around a castle that they had recognized from a Force vision that they had on their way there. They looked over the railing to see Anakin and Padme playing on the grounds of the castle.
They walked into a room and saw Anakin confess his love to Padme. Cale Lestin and Rey then walked over to what seemed like an alter and touched it.
As they touched it they saw Padme in a white gown and Anakin take her hand and put a ring on it. "This must be where they got married." They said to themselves. Suddenly Cale and Rey felt a sting in their necks. And everything started to go black. "I can't let my guard down." Said Rey. They then fell to the floor.
Boba Fett fifty feet away lowered his rifle. "Got you guys." Said Boba Fett. While they were sedated Rey and Cale saw another Force vision. It was on Mustafar again but this time it was Anakin and Padme talking.
"You and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be. I have become the most powerful Jedi ever and I'm doing it all for you." Said Anakin Skywalker.
"Anakin your breaking my heart. Your going down a path I can't follow." Replied Padme. The Force vision then ended.
Kylo Ren stood over Cale Lestin and Rey and then handed the Bounty Hunter his money. Bounty Hunter took out the credits and looked at it. "Theirs a thousand more credits here than there is supposed to be." Said Boba Fett.
"I am going to need your services in the near future and that is a down payment of what is to come." Said Kylo Ren.
"I'll consider it." Replied Boba Fett. Boba Fett walked out and closed the door behind him. Kylo Ren sat in a chair next to Cale and Rey. Kylo Ren had done a blood test on Rey to find out if that really was her mother father. It turns out that the mother was her biological mother but the father wasn't.
What was even more interesting was that Kylo Ren had also done a blood test on Emperor Palpatine and Rey's blood matched his own!
From what Kylo Ren could remember Emperor Palpatine had never been on Jakku before. So how did Rey relate to him? Kylo Ren went deep into the Force and found a connection.
Then it came to Kylo Ren the prophecy read that there would be one to lead the Sith to victory and another to bring balance to the Force. Kylo Ren had always thought that it was only talking about one person, but maybe it was talking about two people!
Emperor Palpatine had led the Sith to victory could Rey be the one to bring balance back. Kylo Ren could not allow that Kylo Ren ignited his crossguard crimson red lightsaber and held it up high.
"Arrrrgggghhhh, is all he could say as he plunged the crossguard lightsaber down.