were crying. Others were in such shock they couldn't even express any other emotion. I didn't know what to think. The pastoral care teacher — Mrs Briggs had spent at least twenty minutes trying to calm all the girls down and the guys who were gushing over the pictures were shooed away.
An emergency assembly was held straight after break and the hall was filled with whispers and laughter. I don't understand why some of the guys thought this was funny. This was serious shit.
"To whoever did this despicable act I hope you're ashamed of yourself." Mrs Briggs rants at the podium, the headmaster not being in her place instead was unsurprising. "I want whoever has done this to own up by the end of the day. This sort of behaviour is not acceptable, not just in a school but anywhere!"
My eyes glide over to Bailey who was shrunk down in his chair with his arms folded over his chest and he was awkwardly looking around. In front of him, was Logan, he gives him a snide smirk before turning back in his seat. I just know they were involved but I don't have any proof. Plus, I've been on bad terms with Logan before. Something I'd rather not think about.
"I'm gonna kill whoever has done this." Halle mutters, shaking her head slowly and angrily.
However, Amy just comes out with something completely different.
"See this is why I don't do PE."
Not many questions were asked when I came home that afternoon, only my dad was suspicious as to why I was in such a hurry to go to my room. I ended up spending the next two hours getting ready, remembering Tom wanted me round and he sent me a text asking if I was okay and was still up for coming round as his dad was cooking dinner. I still thought about what happened today, I just knew the first day of the term would be a disaster. Nothing goes smoothly in that place.
As I clip my hair up and study my outfit in the mirror, I see a figure entering my room in my reflection and my face instantly falls.
"Where are you going?" His voice was so intimidating and my heart starts to thump knowing he won't like the answer I have for him.
"Toms," I state, turning away from the mirror so I was facing dad properly. "His dad's cooking... dinner."
His eyes widen at me and his face turns even more disgusted. "What and you think dressing like that will earn his family's respect?"
I give him a confused look and turn my head back to the mirror. There was nothing wrong with what I was wearing. I was literally wearing black tights with a short denim skirt, a black top and a beige and white checkered shirt over it. What the fuck is the problem? Oh wait never mind, dad always had a problem with what I wore, he always found something to pick on and made up that it was too slutty or something.
"Do you have to put me down all the time dad?" I answer back taking him by surprise. Usually, it was a known rule in the house to never talk back to dad but he was actually pissing me off now to the point where I had to say something.
"Excuse me?" Dad blinks, his eyes flashing full of anger but I just carry on.
"Why do you always do this, dad? I can wear what I want." I bravely hit back at him.
He takes a few steps closer to me and my heart starts racing, I could feel it bouncing against my chest but I stay standing my ground. I needed to stand up to him.
"You're not going out. You're staying here." He says quietly. "And I don't want you to come out until you apologise. Do I make myself clear?"
"What?" I scoff. "But I didn't even do anything."
"Apologise, Selena!"
I see the look on dads face and it looked as if he was about to reign hell until thankfully my mum walks into the room with Alaia on her waist. "What's going on in here?"
"Ask your daughter." Dad huffs before walking out of the room.
"I didn't do anything, mum." I tell her.
"I know." Mum sighs. "Where you off to?"
"Toms for dinner." I reply softly.
Mum nods her head softly. "Well don't be home too late, Okay? I want you back by eleven."
My smile gets wider but I noticed something was up with mum. She seemed just down and was thinking about something else at the same time so she wasn't fully all there.
"Thanks, mum. I love you."
Mum weakly smiles. "I love you too, Sel."
Tom's house was a lot more homely than mine. A lot of fights occur at my house mostly between my parents and between my older sister Kelly and my dad. I grew up in quite a strict home life, mostly my dad who made sure I knew all my times tables and basic grammar as soon as I could talk. It was the same for Kelly but she just rebelled and went out to house parties, sleeping around and getting in states whereas I would just stay in my room and read. I've had my moments but I usually just do as I'm told so I don't get on the wrong side of dad.
However, when I'm at Toms, I feel at home. It's more lively and happier. I've known Tom since year three in primary school and he was the first person I made friends with when moving to Cardiff from East London. We grew super close and once we hit high school we ended up realising our feelings for each other. In year ten we made it official.
I see the adoring smiles he would give me as he took his seat next to me at the dining table and I return them.
"Nice to see you, Selena." Moira - Toms gran smiles before leaning down and pecking my cheek as I peck hers at the same time.
"You too." I smile.
"Hope you're hungry, Selena. I've cooked way too much." Tom's dad, Mark states as he places the two bowls in the middle of the table.
"It looks lovely, Mr Clarke." I flash a smile.
His attention turns to the living room area where Tom's little sister Clara was sitting on the sofa, her fingers flying across her phone and she was grinning and biting her bottom lip a little at some points.
"Clara!" Mark snaps out, grabbing her attention.
"Coming." Clara tuts, forcing herself off the sofa and over to the dining table, soon slumping herself into the chair opposite me.
"Anyone interesting?" I quiz, me and Clara were quite close and it would be nice if she had a crush or someone on the scenes she could talk to me about.
However, she glares at me. "No."
I narrow my eyes a little and watch as Mark starts to fill everyone's plates before eventually sitting himself down and we soon all tuck into this super delicious dish.
After a few moments, I notice Mark smile at me. "How are you then, Selena? Enjoyed the half term?"
"I'm good," I answer sweetly picking up my fork. "And yeah I have actually."
"Good, well I'd like to think you've put in more work than Tom. He's done nothing but play FIFA all week. Online and outside." Mark starts to rant and I look over to see Tom rolling his eyes in response.
"Doesn't surprise me." I laugh twisting the spaghetti around my fork.
"This is lovely, Mark." Moira compliments. "You need to get on telly. Masterchef!"
"Oh." Mark laughs. "I don't think so. It can't be that good. I'll just stick to cooking for guests and the family, hey. Plus I wouldn't want Gordon to shout at me."
Moira twirls her pasta around her fork. "I love all the cooking programs. I usually take my time to watch them whenever I can."
"No offence gran but cooking programs are boring." Tom breaks in shoving a bit of spaghetti in his mouth.
"Oi!" Mark snaps. "I actually find them quite riveting."
"I'm with Tom for once," Clara says. "How do you find people chopping food and explaining all these different things about them riveting?"
"I think it's satisfying to watch someone cook food." Mark points out.
"It really isn't." Tom chuckles.
"I actually prefer documentaries." Moira giggles.
"That's even worse." Tom replies.
I give him a look. "Unless it's murder documentaries, we watch them all the time."
Tom stares at me before realising what I was actually talking about and nods. "Oh yeah! Except for murder documentaries."
"Charming!" Mark scoffs.
"What? They're so interesting." I say.
"Ah see well. If a mysterious murder happens here you two will be solving it fine, eh? Practised by watching documentaries." Mark jokes.
Tom laughs. "A murder, here? No chance. Nothing happens here."
"Yeah come on, a murder in Cardiff? And possibly near us?" I question with a little laugh. "How silly."
"Well, you never know. A lot goes down in cities. You might get someone down the street that's been mysteriously murdered and you need to be Sherlock and Watson to find out who did it." Mark explains enthusiastically.
"Honestly," Tom smirks. "Down the street. That close? Nah. Nothing happens. So there's gonna be no Sherlock and Watson anytime soon."
"Yeah but say if it did." Mark starts. "Would you two be interested in solving it?"
"Course." I break in, twisting more spaghetti around my fork.
"Yeah definitely. But like I said, dad. Never gonna happen." Tom smiles.
Moira smacks Mark on the arm making him wince. "Stop being so morbid, Mark!"
"Imagine a very close murder here." Tom snorts. "That would be crazy."
"Okay, can we stop talking about murder please before I puke my dinner back up?" Clara folds her arms.
Tom rolls his eyes. "Just saying. Here? A murder? No chance."
Once dinner was finished, me and Tom went up to his room and unfortunately I was extremely disappointed in the mess that met my eyes. Clothes were all over the floor, a pair of boxers hanging off the window latch and below it one of the many glasses of half-drunk orange juice on the ledge.
I ended up tidying it straight away while Tom sat on his bed going through his Tik Tok and watching me at the same time. I think it overall took me about twenty minutes and I hang the last shirt that was on the floor in the wardrobe neatly.
"You finally finished, Aggie and Kim." Tom speaks up playfully making me give him a look.
"I just love to clean rooms and I hate mess is that such a problem?" I question, walking over and sitting down next to him on the bed.
"Well, it does look a lot better." Tom smiles, placing his phone down on the dresser. "Anyway, how are you feeling after... what happened today?"
I shrug. "Just wanna know which sick tosser did it."
"Yeah and I'll be beating them up." Tom replies firmly.
I tut and shake my head while smiling.
"Well, this will cheer you up." Tom starts, stretching over to his bedside table and grabbing what looked like a box. He opens the lid up, revealing an extremely beautiful-looking ring.
"Is this your surprise?" I chuckle.
"Yeah." Tom smiles before studying the look on my face and his eyes widen. "It's not what you think it is! Don't worry."
I look on at him intently. "I'm not worried."
He gives me a smile before edging closer to me and taking out the ring. "This was my mum's. She never took it off but obviously when she died... we decided to keep it safe. Dad found it in his room while he was having a clearout. He was gonna give it to Clara but she has a weird habit of losing rings so... he gave it to me to... give to someone special."
"Unless he wanted you to wear it." I comment, making him laugh.
"You think this will fit any of my manly fingers?" Tom wiggles his fingers and he had a point, the ring was far too fine and small for him.
"Tom..." I take the ring from him and study it. "I- I can't take this. It's your mums."
"Listen. The couple of years mum knew you while we were in primary she adored you. She'd love you even more now. Especially now. I want you to have it." Tom urges softly. "Please."
I flicked my eyes back to the ring and smiled. "You always get your own way, Thomas."
"Oh, just don't tell Clara by the way. She's kinda acting weird at the moment - secretive. Even though she loves you, I think she would get annoyed about this."
"Course. How is she acting weird, what's she doing?"
"She's just going out a lot more and won't tell us where she's going. It's not like she's an adult and she can do what she wants. She's fourteen and dad's worried about her. It's like she's hiding something."
"Well, maybe she's got a boyfriend." I point out.
"What makes you think that?" Tom asks.
"It seems kinda obvious to me. I could be wrong though so don't freak out and go overprotective big brother."
"I do not go overprotective big brother."
"Boys in her year have to ask you permission to ask her out." I laugh.
"I just don't want her getting hurt. I promised mum I would look after her." Tom states softly.
I look on at him and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face, I flick my eyes back to the ring and slide it on my finger. "Thank you. For this."
"It's alright." He replies and I spot a tear glinting in his eyes.
I wrap my arms around his neck straight away, giving him a few pecks on the lips before bringing him into a hug. "I love you."
"I love you too, Sel." I feel him kiss the side of my head and he wraps his arms around me.
After a few moments, we eventually pull away and look on at each other while smiling before he instantly goes in and kisses me. It felt different altogether like he wanted me. It felt almost...urging.
In natural reaction, I cup his face with my hands and kiss him back. There's been a few moments that we've heavily made out to the point where we've nearly gone all the way but haven't. I always kept saying no. I don't know why to be honest. I don't know whether it was because I was just scared of getting it wrong. Or even just having my body exposed to him was kinda daunting.
I was now completely lying down on the bed and my heart was racing so fast, I was actually getting nervous because I wasn't planning on doing anything like this tonight. Even if I was wearing sexy underwear just in case it happened. Don't judge me okay, it makes me feel more secure.
I could feel Tom move his way on top of me and I was panicking even more. I just kept thinking about how he was going to see me. How I would look to him. My hands decided to have a mind of their own and started to travel down to his chest. I couldn't stop anything for some reason it was like my whole body had just taken control. Because of this, it gave Tom an unintentional message for his hands to have a mind of their own as well and I felt them tracing on my waist.
I was so nervous I don't think I ever felt so nervous in my life. The last time I remember feeling this nervous was when I did that talent show at primary school in year 6 and me and two of my friends at the time made some tragic girl band called The Spice Unicorns. I know, fucking stupid. I just remember my hands getting clammy and seeing everyone staring at me, teachers, parents, caretakers, cleaners, the whole lot. One of my friends in the middle of our bad performance threw up on stage and we didn't win the talent show. Which was no surprise. I remember Chris and Tom coming second and they did some sort of football mixed with a breakdancing thing to Bonkers by Dizzie Rascal. I remember Michael was proper egging them on in the audience and Tom was fuming because he was so embarrassed, saying that the other lads on the football team were gonna see and pick on him and he won't end up being the star football player anymore. I just remember nearly being sick with nerves. But yeah that was the last time I remember being extremely nervous about something. This seemed almost worse.
My eyes were shut so I didn't see what was going on but I could certainly feel it. One of his arms was wrapped around my waist now and he had me in his grasp and suddenly I felt quite uncomfortable with the feeling. Usually, I would feel safe when he did something like that but I just felt vulnerable. I was honestly so nervous I felt like I was gonna be sick and end up throwing up all over him. Suddenly, I feel his other hand slide further under my waist, to my hips and then to my leg and my stomach was churning even more. If we don't stop soon there's gonna be sick everywhere I swear to god. Then his hand starts to go under my skirt and my breath hitches making me pull away from him.
I see the look of worry on his face and he takes his hand away. "Are you okay?"
Say no.
"Yeah just...took me by surprise." I give him a fake smile. Selena, I'm going to fucking kill you. Why the fuck did I say that? Because I said that Tom just smiles at me and kisses me again. I kiss him back but I had to tell him soon. I felt like this was going to lead to something very quickly if I didn't say anything now. I didn't want it to lead to anything. Not at all.
With the hand around my waist, I could feel him pulling my black top out of my skirt and it goes under so his palm pressed against my back. It was freezing cold so my body jolted a little at the sudden sensation and Tom pulls away and chuckles in response to that. "You're so jumpy, it's okay."
I give him a nervous smile. I was jumpy for a lot of reasons which I think made it harder for this moment to be actually enjoyable. It's meant to be enjoyable but I'm just too nervous to enjoy it.
He takes me into a kiss once again and I feel his hand slide from my back right back round the front where the button for my skirt was and his other hand was already tugging at my checkered shirt, pulling it down slightly.
Quickly, I pull away. "Tom, stop!"
Tom gives me a concerned look. "What's wrong?"
"I'm not ready, Okay?" I sniffle.
I was nervous about his response but thankfully they disappear straight away when Tom just gives me a reassuring smile and takes his hands away from me which relaxes me immediately. "Okay, babe."
He moves away and sits back up properly next to me as I sit up properly as well. I felt really bad because this must've been the fifth time in the past few months we've done something like this and I've said no every time. He must think there's something wrong with him. I rub my forehead with my fingertips for a few moments before looking back at Tom. "I'm sorry. It's not you. I promise."
Tom laughs a little and brushes some of my hair back with his hand. "Hey, if you're not ready you're not ready. Just always make sure to tell me if you feel uncomfortable and we'll stop, I don't mind."
I smile weakly. "You sure?
"Of course. Come here." He stretches his arm out and I instantly shuffle to him before cuddling right into him, his arm goes right around my shoulders and I bury my head in the crook of his neck. I wrap my arms around his middle and shut my eyes. I could easily fall asleep on him. He was half a foot taller than me so he was like a pillow when I cuddled him like this.
He kisses the top of my head and after a few moments I look up at him and he kisses me, it lasted for about five seconds and a few more small pecks follow before we press our foreheads against each other while smiling.
He was a safe haven for me and I didn't even want to go home at this point. I wanted to stay. But I didn't have that choice.
Hopefully one day, I will.
School was jumping the next day, a lot of students I passed were talking about what happened with all of the pictures and by the looks of it, not much else had been done about it. I had Halle and Amy at each ear begging me to tell them about last night and I just told them straight that nothing happened.
"I hope it's not gonna be like this until we finish." Halle starts.
"Be like what?" I narrow my eyes.
"Bad things happening like what happened yesterday." Halle responds with a sigh.
"Yeah. I hope so too." I mumble.
At that point, the bell rings out for first period and I sigh feeling the sudden urge of needing the toilet. "I'll catch you guys in a minute. I need the toilet."
"Okay." Halle and Amy reply at the same time and we end up splitting ways.
The corridors start to clear pretty quickly as everyone goes into their classrooms and I continue to make my way to the girl's toilets. However, As I turn to one of the other corridors — I see something. Something that nearly makes my pee come out in shock at what I was witnessing.
It was Logan and Clara — and they were kissing.