Chapter 22 I Am Willing

Selena said, "Hello?"

Before Selena could respond, the person on the other side had already hung up the phone, leaving only a static hum.

Selena glanced at her cell phone and clenched hand into a fist. Her fingernails dug into her palms, piercing through her skin, but she did not feel any pain.

Eva called her. It was obvious that she was provoking her, but just why did she need to be taunted like this?

How much more did she have to tolerate before Eva and Hamilton stopped making things difficult for her?

She only wanted to continue doing her job, was that too much to ask?

Suddenly, a pair of powerful arms wrapped around Selena's shoulders, forcefully turning her around and rested her head on a sturdy and warm chest.

Before she realized what was going on, Selena suddenly felt the man's strong and powerful arms wrap around her slender waist.