Chapter 26 Great Taste

Soldiers were supposed to be dignified, solemn, and upright. However, this cold and arrogant man was obviously not the kind man she had imagined. He was overbearing, manic, and had bad intentions from his core. He was a person that could kill her in the blink of an eye.

Selena's face suddenly blushed. She allowed Jefferson to take her hand and they walked to the underground parking lot together.

When she saw that Jefferson drove a Pagani, she was a little stunned.

Selena knew how to drive, but she did not know much about cars. Even so, she could tell at a glance that this was a very valuable car.

Selena asked in surprise, "Jefferson, are soldiers all so rich? This car is very expensive, isn't it?"

Although Selena was tolerant and soft-hearted, she had her own principles. If Jefferson was the kind of person who hurt others' interests and was full of coffee money, she would definitely draw a clear line with him.