Chapter 45 We Were Just Sleeping

"Are you just going to sit there and look at me?"

Jefferson glanced at Selena, who had her arms on the edge of the bed, and a trace of pity flashed across his eyes.

"Yes," Selena nodded. "Sometimes it's like this when I have a night shift. Go to sleep! You need more rest to recover faster."

Jefferson, however, stretched out his big, warm palm and held Selena's hands, their fingers intertwined tightly. He squinted his eyes and said, "Selena, sleep beside me..."

It was no longer a commanding tone.

On the contrary, Jefferson now was more like a little boy who was no older than ten, clinging to her stubbornly.

Selena wanted to say no, but when she saw Jefferson's deep eyes, her heart softened.

He had... done so much for her.

However, it seemed that there were not many things that she could do for him.


Selena took off her shoes and squeezed into the not-so-spacious bed with Jefferson.