Chapter 69 Smile

Selena was not the most excited one, Sandy was. She grabbed Selena's arm and shook it vigorously. "Selena, look, it's Mr. Fenoli! Are my eyes deceiving me? It's really him!"

When Selena saw Jefferson, a trace of smile flashed across her almond-like eyes. "Alright, alright, stop shaking my arm! It's him!"

Naturally, Erica also saw Jefferson, who was in the crowd.

Everyone wore the same olive green military uniform, but Erica could still see Jefferson, who stood out from the crowd.

His sharp eyebrows were tempting, and his eyes were as dark as the night sky. His eyes were deep too, and when he closed his lips, it was like a thin line remained. His olive green military uniform outlined his tall and straight figure, which was like a sturdy pine tree. It was as if there was a halo around him that made anyone unable to take their eyes off him.