Chapter 72 The Beauty Under The Moonlight

Selena looked at Sandy and said, "But I haven't danced for a long time. What's more, we don't have any music that I can dance to right now. Even though I have my phone, there's no signal here. How can I dance?"

Sandy grinned. "I have music on my phone! When you performed in the hospital, didn't you dance to the Vienna Blood Waltz? I downloaded that music on my phone, I can play it right now..."

"You..." Selena did not expect Sandy to have actually downloaded the music on her phone, so she finally gave in. "Okay."

When Sandy saw Selena agree, she immediately raised her little hand.

"Let's invite our Dr.Quartley to perform a folk dance. Everyone! Please give her a round of applause!"

After Sandy said that, the soldiers on the training ground all applauded.