Chapter 135 Belong To Me Only

It would be fine as long as she paid attention to him only...

"Jefferson," Selena tiptoed and held Jefferson's cold face with both her hands and said seriously, "Your possessiveness is really extraordinary!"

Earlier, it was because she bent down too fast and almost blacked out.

Therefore, Lawrence bent down to tie her shoelaces. She did not respond immediately, but the moment when she wanted to say that she did not need his help, Jefferson passed by and saw Lawrence tying her shoelaces for her. He directly dragged her away from Lawrence.

Jefferson felt her cold hands against his face and grabbed Selena's small hands with his warm palms.

"Selena, I want you to belong to me and only me."

Jefferson's lips formed a thin straight line. His long and narrow eyes were like two ancient wells, bottomless and deep. His voice was a little bit dull because of tiredness, but this did not affect his low and magnetic tone. He was still as charming as before.