Chapter 164 What Are You Doing?

The explosion could only mean that there was a battle.

The patients in the infirmary were in a good mood but the doctors and nurses felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

If there was a war, it meant that more and more patients would be carried into the infirmary for emergency treatment.

Selena leaned against the wall, with her hands in the pockets of the white coat. She looked at the snow outside the window and frowned anxiously.


Sandy, who stood side by side with her, patted Selena on the shoulder.

"Yes?" Selena was stunned and looked at Sandy.

"Here you go..." Sandy took out a lollipop from her pocket and unwrapped it for her. She smiled and said, "Be a good girl and have a sweet."

Selena took the lollipop handed over by Sandy. As she put it in her mouth, her beautiful lips pouted slightly.

"Sandy, you gave me an orange-flavored one, don't you regret it? That's your favorite flavor."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter."