Chapter 202 Snap Your Fingers

Jefferson walked for a very long time.

Selena stood in the same spot, lost in her own thoughts. Her little face was burning hot as if it didn't belong to her.

"Meow... "

Hearing the soft purr of the kitten, Selena finally came to her senses and found that she had been smiling like an idiot for quite a while.

Selena touched the kitten's head and shushed. "Shh, don't make fun of me..."

Immediately, she pulled back the smile on her lips, patted her face and left the ruins.

Selena's joy didn't last for long as the rays of the setting sun shone on the corpses that were piled up together. The tornado-like fire had swept away everything, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes. The wind blew past from the East; the scene was bleak and desolate.

After the war, the setting may not be identical to what it was during the war, but both were equally heartbreaking to see.