Chapter 207 Did I Guess It Right

Selena brought Bernard to Jefferson's ward.

"General Fenoli is in this ward, General Hiller." Selena stood at the door and said lightly.

Bernard raised his eyebrows and asked, "Dr. Quartley, won't you go in with me?"

Selena was stunned before she smiled and said, "If you want me to go in with you, I will do so. Please, General Hiller..."

Selena knocked on the door before pushing the door open.

At a glance, she saw Jefferson lying on the hospital bed. He was wearing a striped hospital gown and his complexion was much better than before. However, it was still pale.

Their eyes met coincidentally.

Selena's eyes flashed and her heart skipped a beat.

When she looked into his eyes, she wanted to say a lot. However, she found that her lips were slightly open but no words came out. In the end, thousands of words turned into a smile on her lips.

Jefferson gazed at Selena. He tried his best to suppress the pain in his heart and the look in his eyes was serene.