Chapter 210 That Is A Weird Color On You

Elvis narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Freya, what are you talking about?" His tone had changed slightly. It was completely different from its usual playfulness. In fact, his tone sounded warning alarms that rang clearly in Freya's head, which made her feel a little uneasy.

But who would she be, if Freya was afraid of him? A five-year-old?

She lifted her chin up stubbornly and said, "Did I say anything wrong? Aren't you a coward? When did you become like this? You knew the risks, but you didn't have the guts to face it. Instead, you let other people do it and you chose to protect yourself..."

In her impression, Elvis was not such a person.

However, she was disappointed at the reality.

She and he were no longer comrades-in-arms. Besides him being her superior, she still couldn't see through his thoughts at all.

Elvis couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard that.

Her accusation... What was there that could he argue about?