Chapter 252 Don\'t Want Her To Be Sad

At the infirmary.

Although Selena had been clutching a medical book in her hand for a long time, nothing was absorbed into her brain.

She was aware that there was something else in her mind and not the book...

However, if she stayed put and did nothing, she was afraid that her mind would continue to overthink.

Sandy had told her that Jefferson had received an urgent order to go out for a mission.

However, it was rare for her to see that Aaron wasn't accompanying Jefferson since Aaron was Jefferson's personal assistant. 

However, this time...

Was Jefferson the only one who participated in this mission?

Moreover, before Jefferson went out for his mission, there were no indications at all. This made her feel very uneasy, as if something big was going to happen...

"Knock, knock..."

"Come in."

Selena placed the book in her hand on the bedside table, and then leaned slightly against the pillow.