Chapter 261 I\'ll Take The Responsibility

As her injury was a little severe, Freya was not sure whether what she saw was real or simply an illusion.

"Dr. Lyons, she is injured..."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

After being sent to the infirmary, she had lost consciousness and her memory was wiped out.

When she woke up, all she saw was her comrades, but she did not see Elvis.

"Freya, are you alright? During our battle, I didn't notice..."

"I'm fine!"

Freya was not that kind of pretentious woman who would cry out loud just because she got a little hurt.

Although it was a mock battle during training, everyone would more or less avoid getting hurt, but it was not completely avoidable. Therefore, she did not blame the classmate who had accidentally hurt her. On the contrary, she did not want him to blame himself and said a lot of comforting words.

"Where's Elvis?"

Freya could not help but to ask when she thought of Elvis.

"Why don't I see him? I remember that he was the one who had sent me to the infirmary."