Chapter 266 Would It Be Him?

In the past few days, Tasya didn't have much appetite. No matter what she had eaten, it was tasteless.

Bernard saw that Tasya was holding her cutlery, but she wasn't eating anything at all. He couldn't help but to ask, "Tasya, why are you eating so little? Do you not like the food in the cafeteria? I've already told them to make your favorite, but it seems that you still don't like it."

When she first arrived, she had some simple dishes, which was not very tasty.

However, under her father's request, the cafeteria had specially cooked her favorite foods. They were indeed good, but she just didn't have the appetite.

The smell of the oil in some dishes was strong, and not only could she not eat it, she also felt nauseous after catching a whiff.

"Tasya, have some meat."

Tasya saw the greasy piece of meat that was in her bowl. The skin of the meat seemed to be covered in oil.

In an instant, Tasya had suddenly lost her appetite, and acid welled up in her throat.
