Chapter 269 Just An Illusion

Previously, when Elvis had tied a dead knot on her coat, Tasya was unable to untie it in front of him, so she waited till she was home to try again. However, she still couldn't untie the knot even after several tries. In the end, she was only able to cut the knot open with a pair of scissors.

It wasn't a big deal that her coat had been ruined, since the Hiller family was rich anyway.

What really made her a little unhappy was how Elvis had acted.

She was such a beautiful woman, donned in such sexy clothes. Even after showing off herself before him, all he did was to tie a dead knot so tightly on her coat, especially at such a critical moment. This had completely halted her plans on having a romantic night together. This was simply... so annoying that he didn't know how to take care of a woman's feelings at all!

Elvis, this man...

The last time Tasya saw his muscles, she couldn't forget that scene.